Ministry Of Social Affairs Provides Compensation For Disaster Victims In Kupang Regency

KUPANG - The Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia provided compensation of Rp. 60 million for four victims who died as a result of the flood that occurred in Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province in February 2022. Rp15 million to each heir of the victims of natural disasters in Kupang Regency," said Kupang Regent Korinus Masneno in Oelamasi, Monday, June 20. He said this when he handed over compensation to the heirs of the four victims who died in the flood in Kupang Regency. The compensation was handed over directly to the Kupang Regent accompanied by the Kupang Regency Regional Secretary, Obet Laha and the Kupang Regency Secretary II Assistant, Mesak Soleman Elfeto. According to the Kupang Regent, various efforts were made by the government in coordination with related parties in disaster management up to the post-disaster to handling According to him, the Kupang District Government through the Social Service has coordinated with the Provincial Social Service and the Ministry of Social Affairs so that the four victims who died in the disaster received compensation for the heirs with the aim of lighten the burden for those left behind. "Compensation cannot return those who have left, but at least the government does not turn a blind eye and ear to those who are grieving the loss of their relatives," he said, quoted by Antara.

According to the Regent Korinus Masneno, the compensation provided was not much, but if this compensation reduced the family's suffering a little. He hoped that residents in the district bordering the Oecusse region, Timor Leste would always be vigilant when entering the rainy season. Meanwhile, the Head of the Kupang Regency Social Service, Anis Masneno said that from February to March 2022, Kupang Regency experienced the peak of the rainy season which resulted in several areas in Kupang Regency being affected by floods. According to Anis Masneno, the disaster resulted in the loss of property and damaged ecosystems and loss of life. He said this year's flood disaster resulted in four residents of Kupang Regency in three separate areas, namely Abraham Nofu in Naitae Village, West Fatuleu District, Elisabeth Abani in Tanah Putih Village. , K East Kupang sub-district, and two fatalities, namely Melanton Tiran and Desiyani Tiran in Nekbaun Village, Amarasi Barat District. On that occasion Inche Tinenti from Amarasi Barat District, as a recipient of compensation, thanked the Regent of Kupang, Korinus Masneno and all staff who had launched the program. administrative management so that the heirs of disaster victims can get assistance.