Ahmad Syaikhu: PKS Is Looking For A Coalition Partner Who Wants To Sit The Same Low, Stand The Same Height

JAKARTA - The President of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Ahmad Syaikhu revealed the criteria for coalition partners who will be invited to work together towards the 2024 General Election. One of them is political parties that have the same development platform to bring about change.

Syaikhu said that political parties are currently trying to attract the presidential and vice presidential candidates. Because each political party is still not sure that it will be able to nominate itself in a coalition.

"Therefore, PKS will continue to struggle to find equal coalition partners, who are willing to sit equally low, stand equally tall," said Syaikhu at the PKS DPP National Meeting at Grand Hotel Sahid Jakarta, Monday, June 20.

"We all want change. We want progress, not close friends, let alone setbacks," he continued.

On that basis, continued Syaikhu, the PKS DPP continues to open the faucet for political communication with other party leaders. He said, PKS is very open to sitting together carrying the politics of nationality, politics of statesmanship, and politics of collaboration that prioritizes the interests of the nation above the interests of groups and groups.

"Therefore, one of the important criteria for the PKS cawapres candidate is the combination of a pair of leaders who are not only able to win the contest but also have the capacity to lead and unite our country," said Syaikhu.

Syaikhu said, Rapimnas is expected to provide input from regional and regional leaders related to the cawapres candidate that will be carried.

However, said Syaikhu, PKS still submits decisions regarding the name of the cawapres candidate to the Shura Council deliberations.

"We don't want to precede the Syuro Council, which has the authority to determine who the vice presidential candidates are and where to form a coalition, but we will make these inputs into accordance with what is happening in people's lives recorded by the Syuro Council," he concluded.