Kakap Cooperation, Danone-AQUA Order Trucks Online At KargoNexus For Product Distribution

JAKARTA - Danone-AQUA, a fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) company, is said to have reached an agreement with Kargo Technologies regarding business development.

Danone Cycles and Procurement Manager Muhammad Riefqi said this collaboration strengthens the operational logistics system so that it is expected to increase time efficiency by up to 30 percent.

"We can order trucks more easily, get an instant price overview and conduct digital auctions to ensure order fulfillment," he said in an official statement on Monday, June 20.

According to Riefqi, his party can also find out the loading and unloading process activities in real time with data that is easily accessible to us based on routes, warehouses and types of trucks.

“This can save time because vendors and drivers can interact directly through one platform. In addition, we no longer need to chase truck providers by phone or email because now the delivery status is neatly displayed and very easy to access," he said.

On the same occasion, CEO of Kargo Technologies Tiger Fang revealed that later Danone-AQUA will take advantage of the facilities through the KargoNexus application.

"This seems to provide a meeting point between logistics and technology with the vision of building digital infrastructure for the logistics industry," he said.

Fang added that his party was very enthusiastic in welcoming this strategic cooperation. The reason is, as a logistics marketplace in Indonesia, Kargo Technologies seeks to provide comprehensive solutions for managing supply chains and logistics activities.

“The pandemic has taught us that moving to the digital realm is no longer an option, but has become a necessity and a lifestyle. In Kargo, we don't want any industry to be left behind,” he said.

For information, the collaboration between Kargo Technologies and Danone-AQUA through the KargoNexus platform has had a positive impact. Some of them are a reduction in the intensity of calling transporters by up to 99 percent and speeding up order confirmation by 85 percent from before.

The claimed advantage is that Danone-AQUA can view and monitor all delivery statuses and get an increase of five times more than the previous process.