Schools In The Regions Will Open Again, The COVID-19 Task Force: Must Be Gradually

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Task Force (Task Force) Handling COVID-19, Wiku Adisasmito reminded local governments that there are a number of steps that must be taken before reopening public facilities, including schools. He conveyed this in response to the opening of schools in a number of areas.

"In essence, the opening of public facilities, including teaching and learning places, must be gradual and there are several stages that must be met," Wiku said in a press conference broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat YouTube account, Tuesday, October 27.

As for the stages in question, the first is precondition. This stage, said Wiku, needs to be done to ensure that the opening of public facilities including schools is in an enabling condition and the community is ready. In addition, at this stage, regions must be able to ensure positive cases of COVID-19 have decreased and entered into a safe zone.

"Second, the timing or time to determine when it is opened is according to priorities. What will be opened first compared to others and also always coordinates with the central and local governments. This is intended so that everything can be supported by all existing parties," he said.

"There also needs to be monitoring and evaluation of whatever is being done, including teaching and learning activities. If there is an indication of insecurity, an increase in risk, the education unit must be closed," he added.

Furthermore, Wiku also reminded that the opening of this school must have permits from the local government to permit from the parents of students.

He then reminded again that currently face-to-face school activities were only allowed in yellow and green zones. Even so, he also reminded local governments that it is better if local governments follow the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Culture which have explained the terms and times when learning activities in schools are allowed.

"We urge you to wait for Kemendibud to be related to the implementation of teaching and learning activities. Everything is related to the progress of handling national and regional cases," he concluded.