Horror At The Tasikmalaya Education Office In The Middle Of The Night, A Gang Of Robbers Breaks In And Takes 3 Employees Hostage

JAKARTA - The horror of midnight last night occurred at the Tasikmalaya Regency Education Office (Disdik), West Java. When a gang of robbers came and had the heart to host three employees who were on picket.

Tasikmalaya Police Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP Dian Pornomo, confirmed the incident. Police are also still at the scene to carry out the crime scene.

"We are processing the crime scene, conducting investigations and investigations," said Dian, Monday, June 20, quoted from Antara.

A witness as well as an employee who was held captive by the robbers, Haryadi, said the incident occurred at around 01.30 WIB. The perpetrators who came more than two people.

The robbers captured three people. They are two cleaners and a Satpam Disdik Tasikmalaya Regency.

Haryadi, the janitor said that at that time he was cleaning the room. When he went to the front room to get coffee and cigarettes, he was surprised to see that his co-workers had been tied up and had duct tape covering his mouth.

Haryadi was immediately threatened by the perpetrator using a machete. He was also tied up and his mouth was plastered with duct tape by the perpetrator.

Apart from Haryadi, other cleaners who knew there was a commotion on the first floor immediately checked, but in the end the perpetrators had the same fate and were held captive on the second floor.

"I was threatened with a machete, at that time I was silent, my hands and feet were tied, my mouth was also taped," he said.

The victim who was held captive by the perpetrator was finally able to free himself after it was confirmed that the perpetrator had left the office.

Furthermore, the victim who was held captive asked for help from a security guard at another office, then reported it to the leadership.

"After leaving I ran for help to the security guard at the PU office, I immediately reported it to the leadership," he said.

The police are still investigating the motive and what items were missing. The Satreskrim of the Tasikmalaya Police are still investigating to find out clearly what happened and the losses suffered by the service.

As a result of this incident, activities at the Tasikmalaya Disdik Office, which is not far from the Tasikmalaya Police Headquarters, were temporarily suspended for the purposes of investigation.