Said The Minister Of Manpower Ida Fauziyah, Demo In The Middle Of A Pandemic Is Not Wise

JAKARTA - Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah said demonstrations that gather large numbers of people or create crowds are an act that is not wise in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"In my opinion, it would be unwise to demonstrate in this condition if the reason is that the space is very open, we have started the kick off discussion of a draft government regulation as a derivative of the Job Creation Law, that's where the space for fellow trade unions. "The Minister of Manpower Ida said in a virtual speech held by the Media Center for the COVID-19 Task Force at the Graha BNPB Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 27.

According to Antara, he said the COVID-19 pandemic was not over, and vaccines were being pursued so that adhering to health protocols such as maintaining distance and avoiding crowds was an effort to prevent transmission of COVID-19.

In addition, Menaker Ida said of course the right to conduct a judicial review is also very open.

"Our friends who have not felt accommodated through government regulations still have a choice, namely to conduct a judicial review through government regulations," he said.

In addition, Menaker Ida hopes that a number of investments that enter the country will be able to absorb workers who have either been laid off due to COVID-19 or who are not working.

"Hopefully the opportunities will expand after the Job Creation Act is passed," said Menaker Ida.

Meanwhile, a number of students will again carry out demonstrations around the State Palace against the Job Creation Law. They urged President Joko Widodo to issue a Perppu to cancel this law.