Good News From Sinarmas Conglomerate ITC Manager Eka Tjipta Widjaja, They Will Distribute IDR 703 Billion Dividend

JAKARTA - PT Duta Pertiwi Tbk (DUTI) will distribute cash dividends of IDR 703 billion. This has been approved in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) and Extraordinary (EGMS).

In an official statement from DUTI, quoted on Sunday, June 19, the issuer that manages ITC has decided to pay a dividend of IDR 380 per share. Details regarding the dividend distribution plan will be announced in the information disclosure report.

Thus, DUTI will allocate 9.10 percent of retained earnings in 2021 or IDR 703 billion for dividends, IDR 7.02 trillion for retained earnings, and the remaining IDR 2 billion as reserve funds.

Director of DUTI, Handoko Wibowo, said that the dividend distribution decision was an appreciation of the shareholders for their support so far. This amount has taken into account the development plan and the company's cash flow.

"Thus, the planned development and completion of projects can go well according to plan so that the 2022 performance target can be achieved", he said.

The shareholders have also approved the agenda for changing the management of DUTI. The following is the composition of the new management since the date of the EGMS:

DUTI Board of Commissioners

President Commissioner: Muktar Widjaja

Vice President Commissioner: Franciscus Xaverius RD

Independent Commissioner: Teddy Pawitra

Independent Commissioner: Susiyati Bambang Hirawan

DUTI Directors

Managing Director: Teky Mailoa

Deputy President Director: Lie Jani Harjanto

Director: Hongky Jeffry Nantung

Director: Handoko Wibowo

The decision to distribute dividends cannot be separated from DUTI's solid performance throughout 2021. The Company managed to record a net profit of IDR 659.89 billion.

This figure is equivalent to a growth of 23.64 percent when juxtaposed with the previous year's achievement of IDR 533.73 billion. Handoko explained that this achievement was supported by the performance of business revenue which grew 26.26 percent.

The solid sales performance stemmed from the high demand for marketed property units.

"We are optimistic that DUTI's positive performance can continue in 2022. Government support in providing incentives and improving economic conditions after the pandemic are positive factors", he said.

Currently, DUTI has a real estate inventory worth IDR 3.75 trillion. Sustainable value creation will support the company's performance in the future.