Part Of The Green And Sustainable Economy Program, Golkar Plants Banyan Trees At Zero Point

IKN- On the occasion of a visit to the zero point of the Capital of the Archipelago in East Kalimantan, Saturday, (6/18/2022). The General Chair of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, and his entourage carried out various activities. One of them is the planting of banyan trees.

"Planting a banyan tree is one of the reforestation activities that we carry out at the zero point of the Indonesian capital," said Airlangga, to the media.

The banyan tree itself is known as a tree that can be hundreds of years old. This tree is known to grow large and have very dense leaves and is able to absorb CO2 and release oxygen (02) well. This tree is suitable for reforestation.

This big tree is also beneficial for the environment. Mainly because of its ability to store a lot of water. Besides having a unique form of hanging roots, this tree also has pseudo fruit.

Usually this banyan tree is planted in the squares of various cities in Indonesia, as well as at the corners of crossroads. Even in the Kasunanan Surakarta and Yogyakarta Palace squares, a banyan tree is planted in the middle.

The tree which is a symbol of the third principle of Pancasila, the Unity of Indonesia, is expected to be able to unite the Indonesian nation at the zero point of IKN.

"We hope that like the Third Precepts of Pancasila, this banyan tree will also unite the Indonesian people in the capital of the archipelago," said Airlangga.

For Golkar itself, the tree which has the Latin name Ficus Benjamin L, is a symbol for the Golkar Party. Golkar itself is known as the banyan party from the past until now.

The tree which in English is called Weeping fig or Benjamin tree, there are 850 species in the world.

"This tree is also part of the green and sustainable economy, so it is expected to be a part of the formation of the world's lungs," said Airlangga.

Airlangga also hopes that the banyan tree planted by Golkar will be a sign of the banyan party's total support for the construction of the Indonesian capital.