Gerindra-PKB Ready To Cooperate In The 2024 Election, But Haven't Declared Coalition Yet

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) Prabowo Subianto and Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Muhaimin Iskandar held a meeting in Kertanegara, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Saturday, June 18 evening.

Prabowo said the meeting tonight was a continuation of the intensive communication that had been carried out by party ranks several months ago.

"I received a visit from the General Chair of the PKB and its leadership, Cak Imin, although they are old friends and we have actually had intensive discussions for the past few months," Prabowo said at a press conference after the meeting.

Prabowo said who Gerindra would cooperate with PKB in the legislative elections, regional head elections, and the 2024 presidential election (Pilpres).

"This is a very serious, very important state task, and we as the general chairman of the party who have a fairly large constituency and followers, of course we are aware of this responsibility. We are interested in carrying out this responsibility as well as possible," said the Minister. That defense.

Prabowo said that so far, communication between Gerindra and PKB has been running intensively. Not only PKB but also with other parties.

"But thank God we have reached the meeting point, the point of cooperation, the point of agreement, where we broadly state our respective desires to be together, to work closely together to face these state responsibilities, namely the Presidential Election, Pilleg, and Pilkada. in 2024," said Prabowo.

On the same occasion, PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar alias Cak Imin expressed his gratitude for the warm dinner at Prabowo's residence.

Cak Imin said that tonight's meeting was a continuation of the friendly and intensive meetings carried out by the ranks of the DPP PKB and DPP Gerindra management.

"Alhamdulillah, tonight the cooperation is getting stronger, until Pak Prabowo's conclusion is that PKB and Gerindra are ready to work together as a whole as a whole ahead of and prepare for the presidential, legislative and regional elections in 2024," said Cak Imin.

Cak Imin hopes that this cooperation can continue to other political parties.

"Hopefully our cooperation can be continued with other parties, towards the success of the presidential election, the success of the regional head election, and the success of the legislative election in 2024," he hoped.

However, neither Cak Imin nor Prabowo clearly stated whether Gerindra and PKB had officially built a coalition for the 2024 presidential election.

Cak Imin only said that PKB and Gerindra agreed to work together for the revival of a great Indonesia.

"We are PKB and Gerindra, with the same vision and goal of struggle for a more advanced, just and prosperous NKRI," said Cak Imin.