Respect Megawati Soekarnoputri As Parents, Ganjar Pranowo: We Follow Her Advice

JAKARTA - The Governor of Central Java (Central Java) Ganjar Pranowo expressed his great respect for the General Chair of the PDI-P Megawati Soekarnoputri, even considering him as a parental figure whose advice and instructions are always followed.

"I am a person who was educated to be very respectful of parents, so I really respect parents, including my parents in the party. My parents are now dead, now my parents are Mrs. Mega," said Ganjar, in Semarang, Saturday, June 18.

This was conveyed by Ganjar when responding to his name as one of the candidates for the presidential candidate from the NasDem Party.

Ganjar admitted that he would implement the recommendations and regulations that had been set by Megawati Soekarnoputri as the General Chair of the PDI-P.

He said that Megawati Soekarnoputri often gave input and guidance to her children, including herself.

In fact, if one of her cadres made a mistake, Megawati would not hesitate to give a stern warning or reprimand.

"If I'm wrong, I'm usually teased and warned. Hey, watch out, but if we can enforce the rules well, of course they will also be happy because their children can work well. That's why I respect the rules and regulations. We also have to follow what is available, including his suggestions," he said, quoted from ANTARA.

Regarding his name which was entered in the presidential candidate market from the NasDem Party, Ganjar added that each party had its own mechanism internally, but he also said that his party, the PDI-P also had its own rules.

"I respect and of course thank you, but every party has rules including the PDI-P which has mechanisms, regulations, procedures according to the AD/ART. For this matter, PDI-P is clear, this is the prerogative of the General Chair," he said again.

Therefore, he responded casually to his name being proposed as a presidential candidate by the NasDem Party and considered it a normal thing.

"I really want, if there is support, please support me as governor to solve the problems that today are my responsibility as Governor of Central Java," he also said.

The former member of the DPR RI admitted that he is currently focusing on solving many problems that exist in Central Java, because he is required to quickly solve problems such as cooking oil, Wadas problems, rob problems, and so on.

"That was much more important and when I was running for the second term as governor, several parties supported me. So today's support is most needed. There are no presidential candidates, candidates, balloons, right? There are no stages yet. That's what I think It's important for the public to know," he said.