Jokowi Mention The Success Factor Of The Pre-Employment Card In Its Digital Momentum And Access

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said the key to the success of the Pre-Employment Card program lies in its digital access.

The initial momentum of the pandemic when the program was rolled out was also another factor supporting the success of the Pre-Employment Card in the form of a digital platform. Pre-employment begins on April 11, 2021, approximately a month after the first COVID-19 case was detected in Indonesia.

"So the atmosphere at that time was the atmosphere of COVID. How to prepare a program but the atmosphere was PSBB and PPKM. Imagine," said Jokowi during the #KitaPrakerja Gathering at the Sentul International Convention Center, Bogor Regency, West Java, Friday, June 17.

Therefore, Jokowi really appreciates the high enthusiasm of the people and the workforce in Indonesia for the Pre-Employment Card program.

He explained that the Pre-Employment Card had received registrations of up to 115 million people, which was verified to be 84 million and so far it has distributed benefits to 12.8 million people.

"This is a very big number, this is a number that is not small, 12.8 million, whose productivity has increased, their skills have increased, their work experience has increased because of this training of 12.8 million," said Jokowi.

The President believes that this figure was achieved thanks to the use of a digital platform so that the Pre-Employment Card can reach and be utilized by all people from Sabang to Merauke.

"Can we do these ways if we don't use a digital platform? It's impossible, right?" he said, which was greeted with shouts of "right" from the Pre-Employment Card alumnus who were present at the location.

"Platforms like this can only be produced by young people, who are old like me, it's impossible to make a good platform like this," he continued.

Jokowi also appreciates the willingness of young people who are willing to devote themselves to being the implementing management (PMO) of the Pre-Employment Card, such as the Executive Director of the Pre-Employment Card PMO Denni Puspa Purbasari and the Operations & Technology Director of the Pre-Employment Card PMO Hengki Sihombing.

"I know that they work in corporations whose salaries are already above Rp. 150 million. They want to join PMO, which I don't know how much salary. I am ashamed to mention, because the government's salary is maybe a third, maybe a quarter," he said.

"I want to imagine. I have known many young PMOs, who have prepared the system, the platform, the application. And most importantly the benefits are really there," said Jokowi.

Based on the Antara report, it is known that the Pre-Employment Card is one of the programs promised by Jokowi in the 2019 Presidential Election campaign and has officially started rolling since April 2020. Since then, the benefits of the Pre-Employment Card have been received by 12.8 million people in the workforce and the program will now enter the workforce. 33rd wave.

Jokowi said data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) reported that 88.9 percent of Pre-Employment Card alumni admitted that the program had succeeded in improving their skills.

The #KitaPrakerja Gathering was attended by 8,000 Pre-Employment Card alumni from all over Indonesia along with the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs as Chair of the Job Creation Committee, Airlangga Hartarto, and Indonesian Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko as Deputy Chair of the Job Creation Committee.

Also present to accompany President Jokowi at the event were Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, and West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil.