Police Reveal Recidivist Motives In Malang To Keep Girl In Closet For 11 Hours

MALANG - Malang Resort Police (Polres), East Java, revealed the motive for the case of the abduction of a teenage girl in Sumberpucung, Malang Regency, East Java, which was carried out by a recidivist with the initials YD (49). "The victim was invited to the perpetrator's house, then the perpetrator tried to rape the victim. But because the victim resisted, finally the victim's hands were tied," said Donny, quoted by Antara, Friday, June 17. Donny explained after tied the hands of the victim with the initials IR, the perpetrator then tried to rape the 19-year-old girl. At that time the victim was menstruating. Because the perpetrator was annoyed that he could not rape the victim, he continued, then the perpetrator kept the victim in a cupboard for approximately 11 hours. The victim was finally able to escape and asked for help from local residents. "Because the perpetrator was annoyed that he couldn't rape the victim, the perpetrator ended up holding the victim in a closet," he said. for seven years. In addition to being a recidivist for sexual abuse, the suspect is also a perpetrator of abuse and was sentenced to 1.5 years. "The perpetrator is a recidivist, and this is the third time," he said.

Based on the perpetrator's statement, he continued, he knew the victim's parents. The victim's parents once said that the victim's diploma was still being held at school because of economic factors. "The victim's parents' complaints were then used by the perpetrators to carry out their actions," said Donny. The perpetrator's modus operandi prior to confinement was by inviting the victim to take the victim's diploma at one of the high schools in Sumberpucung District. The victim managed to escape from the perpetrator who held the victim for 11 hours. The witness who knew about the incident then reported it to the police officers at the Sumberpucung Police Station.