Ruben Onsu Sarwendah Condition After Surgery

JAKARTA - After Ruben Onsu was discharged from the hospital, it was his wife Sarwendah's turn to enter the hospital. Ruben said Sarwendah had a rare disease that appeared in the brain stem.

The rare disease called Reuben appears in the brain stem of his wife which can be fatal to health. Ruben said they discovered the disease after doing an MRI test and taking surgery for the cyst.

"Yesterday Sarwendah had to have surgery, it was a cyst. We actually have to solve it one by one because not only that, during the MRI process and several other processes, Sarwendah was exposed to a rare disease," said Ruben Onsu on YouTube Trans TV Official, Friday, June 17.

"The cyst yesterday was operated on and it went smoothly. So there is a rare disease in the brain stem," added Ruben.

Then, said Ruben, since he was diagnosed with a rare disease he brought Sarwendah for a consultation to a hospital in the Karawaci area. However, when he arrived at the hospital, Sarwendah looked scared because another patient with a similar disease was much older than him.

Ruben also tried to strengthen his wife to stay strong so that her health condition could recover. Sarwendah was also asked to remain calm and stable if later he had to take surgery on his brain stem. Because if Sarwendah's condition is unstable, it can be dangerous for his health.

"So we have been informed of the consequences for taking action at this time. If Sarwendah is unstable, not calm, it may have a dangerous impact," he explained as written by ERA.

Ruben explained that if Sarwendah's operation failed, the mother of two children could experience visual disturbances. Even Sarwendah can also experience communication difficulties that will not be normal as usual.

"For example (surgery) that didn't work was dangerous for his eyesight, the communication was not as normal as it used to be," he said.

Previously, Ruben Onsu was also rushed to the hospital due to his declining health condition. Ruben's health condition, which is not yet stable and is in the recovery stage, also makes him worried because he has to complete one treatment at a time.

Unfortunately, Ruben did not specify what illness he and Sarwendah were suffering from.