At Mojokerto TPA, Puan Drinks Tea With Scavengers: You Have A Noble Job

JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, inaugurated the Green Technology and Innovation Area at the Karangdiyeng Final Disposal Site (TPA), Mojokerto, East Java. At this location, Puan also listened to the complaints of scavengers who work at the Karangdiyeng TPA every day.

The Green Technology and Innovation area at the Karangdiyeng TPA is a modern waste processing facility initiated by members of the PDI-P faction at the national, provincial, and district/city levels. The waste processing method in this area applies modern-based green and environmental technology.

"What is happening at TPA Karangdiyeng in my opinion is extraordinary because from TPA Karangdiyeng we show that innovation can happen and come from anywhere," said Puan at TPA Karangdiyeng, Kutorejo, Mojokerto, Thursday, June 16 in a written statement received by the editor. .

Puan toured the Green Technology and Innovation TPA Karangdiyeng area to see the waste management process. In addition, this area that has economic value utilizes waste processing to be used as feed for fish cultivation such as larvae.

Utilization of waste in TPA Karangdiyeng is also carried out by producing liquid fertilizer to help develop agricultural production, plantations, livestock. Waste recycling in the area is also carried out in the field of building construction by processing tiles and paving blocks.

"The modern waste processing process can produce high economic value and benefit the people," said Puan while looking at catfish farming in the Green Technology and Innovation Area of the Karangdiyeng TPA.

There, Puan also planted coconut trees at the TPA, which has a garden-like concept. After planting the trees, Puan then met a number of scavengers for a dialogue.

Puan sits contemplating in a circular position with the scavengers while drinking tea and Mojokerto-style snacks. To the scavengers, he asked how the modern-based waste processing process was implemented in the Green Technology and Innovation Area of the Karangdiyeng TPA.

“Here, how is the waste process from the first time it is sorted until it is recycled?” asked Mrs.

The scavengers explained how the waste processing process they had been working on so far. In addition, the scavengers expressed their hopes regarding the need for supporting facilities at the Karangdiyeng TPA such as MCK facilities and Occupational Health and Safety (K3) equipment.

Hearing the needs of scavengers, Puan immediately provided cash assistance of Rp. 50 million for the construction of toilets and rest areas. He also donated 50 pairs of boots.

"I see that the job of scavengers is actually a noble job, because when a lot of people throw away things or garbage, it is the scavengers who collect, sort, and take it to a landfill like this so that it can be recycled," said Puan. "Just imagine if there are no scavengers, if everyone just wants to throw away but doesn't want to scavenge, then used goods or garbage will be scattered," continued the chairman of the PDIP DPP.

Puan said scavengers are an important link in the nation's great work in caring for the environment. He promised to bring the aspirations of scavengers so that the welfare of scavengers would increase. “Sscavengers are one of the environmental heroes who should not be forgotten. Of course what their aspirations will be our attention at the level of members of the Council and also in the Party for us to fight for, "said Puan.

Furthermore, the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture gave appreciation to the ranks of PDIP who collaborated with Forkopimda Mojekorto in modern waste management through the Green Technology and Innovation Area. This step is considered to be imitated by many other elements of the nation. “In my opinion, the waste management innovation here can be like the proverb 'one row, two three islands are exceeded'. Because recycled plastic waste can be a source of additional income and at the same time we take care of the environment," he said.

“From here there is liquid fertilizer, roof tiles and bricks made from recycled waste. Then organic waste is also reprocessed into maggot feed, which can be used to feed catfish, chicken or duck and become organic fertilizer," added Puan.

Utilization of waste into liquid fertilizer is said to be part of the solution to imported feed raw materials whose prices are still too expensive. Puan assessed that innovation in the Karangdiyeng TPA waste processing area was a form of popular innovation. "Those who can prosper the people and also help save the environment where the people live," said the grandson of the Proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia, Bung Karno.

Puan also encourages young people to help develop this area. In particular, students who study in agriculture or related to the environment.

"If necessary, do internships here so that later they can make similar innovations in their respective places," concluded Puan.