Ministry Of Health Collaborates With Indonesian Army To Detect Infectious Diseases At State Entrances

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health involves elements of the Indonesian Armed Forces to strengthen the function of early detection of infectious diseases entering Indonesia at every domestic border gate.

"This education and training needs to be carried out to increase supervision and strengthen the detection, prevention and response functions at state entrances," said Director General of Disease Prevention and Control, Maxi Rein Rondonuwu in a press statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, June 16.

This statement was made by Maxi when he opened the 2022 Basic Health Quarantine Education and Training at the TNI Army Jaya Regional Military Main Regiment (Rindam), Jakarta, today.

Maxi said the health sector is currently faced with new challenges that are increasingly complex with the emergence of various infectious diseases such as mysterious acute hepatitis, monkeypox and other infectious diseases.

The emergence of the disease is an alarm for the government to strengthen preparedness, detection and response at the entrance of the country to prevent transmission or transmission of disease between regions and between countries.

Maxi said the function was carried out by the Port Health Office (KKP) as the authorized authority to prevent the entry and exit of diseases that could potentially cause outbreaks.

For this reason, the preparedness and vigilance of the KKP must be strengthened by the presence of Health Human Resources who are technically skilled, qualified and professional in carrying out health quarantine, said Maxi.

"Strengthening human resources through Health Quarantine Training is one of the absolute things to bring about the implementation of professional health quarantine," he said.

The 2022 Basic Health Quarantine Education and Training Agenda at the Army Regional Military Main Regiment (Rindam) Jaya will be held from 13-27 June 2022.

The activity, which had been delayed for two years due to the pandemic, was held by the Ministry of Health through the Directorate General of Health

General of Disease Prevention and Control by including 30 representative participants from KKP Class I, II, III, and IV throughout Indonesia.

To all training participants, Maxi advised that this learning opportunity could be utilized as best as possible. The knowledge and skills gained can be a provision for improving the organizational performance of the Ministry of Health.

Maxi also advised the participants to work hand in hand to maintain personal and environmental health and to remain disciplined in implementing health protocols such as wearing masks, maintaining distance and regularly washing hands with soap.

“I hope that all participants and the facilitation team will maintain good health protocols during this training activity. Hopefully in the future implementation will run successfully and smoothly until the closing later, "he said.