Y20 Forum Invites Indonesian Youths To Take Care Of The Earth

JAKARTA - The G20 Presidency of Indonesia through the Youth 20 (Y20) forum expressed a commitment to involve the younger generation to participate in preserving the earth. "Young people are the ones who will inherit the planet earth in the future. one of the priority issues of the 2022 G20 Indonesia Summit," said the G20 spokesperson team, Maudy Ayunda, in a press release, Thursday, June 16. This forum aims to make planet Earth a more livable and sustainable place in the future. contribute actively in passing on better earth conditions to the next generation. Based on a population survey in 2020 there are 144.87 million people born in the period 1981 to 2021. Indonesia's young generation is equivalent to 53.81 percent of the total population." Their number is not small. So it is important for them to take a role," said Maudy. Youth can participate participation in reducing damage by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing over-consumption and exploitation of natural resources, reducing waste by recycling, planting trees massively, reporting on deforestation, supporting the clean energy transition, voicing the encouragement of the private sector to follow sustainable supply chains and carry out the creation of relevant technological innovations.

This action has the potential to protect biological and animal diversity in the environment around them for a long period of time. Stakeholders in Indonesia through the Y20 forum invite all young people to actively participate so that the implementation of environmental conservation can be carried out in a relatively faster time. "To become the official Engagement Group of the G20 Indonesia 2022 Presidency which continues to engage the younger generation. To take concrete steps to ensure the sustainability and viability of the planet Earth," said Maudy. In addition, Indonesia will also rehabilitate 600,000 mangrove areas in 2024 and carbon neutrality in 2060.