The Organizational Structure Of The Muslim Khilafatul Is Similar To The State, There Is A President, Minister Of Education To The Village Head

JAKARTA - The leadership structure of the Khilafatul Muslimin organization has similarities to that of a country. This is because each regional or regional level has an official who has the authority.

"They (Khilafatul Muslimin, ed) have a structure that is almost the same as the state," said the Director of General Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Hengki Haryadi, to reporters, Thursday, June 16.

Hengki gave an example, for the highest leader of the organization, namely, Abdul Qadir Hasan Baraja. He can be said to be the president of the Khilafatul Muslimin.

Then, there was also a US suspect who had been arrested in Mojokerto some time ago. His position is equivalent to being the minister of education because he is responsible for the spread of the caliphate understanding.

Then, there are also leaders at the provincial level to the lowest level equivalent to the kelurahan.

"The daulah emir is at the provincial level, then the wilayan amir is at the district level, then the ummul qura is at the sub-district level, and the lowest is the masyul emir," said Hengki.

In the case of Khilafatul Muslimin, there are 6 people who have been named as suspects. They included Abdul Qadir Hasan Baraja as the supreme leader of the Khilafatul Muslimin who was arrested in Bandar Lampung.

Then, the US was arrested in the Mojokerto area, on Monday, June 13. He is the organization's minister of education. The other four people with the initials AA, IN, F, and SW are called important figures in the Khilafatul Muslimin group.