A Head Of Police In This Area Blusukan To Residents' Housing Prevents Radical Teachings

BABEL - West Bangka Resort Police, Bangka Belitung Islands Province has intensified a community chat program to prevent the growth and development of deviant teachings and the potential to trigger radical actions. West Bangka," said Head of the Community Development Unit of the West Bangka Police, Iptu Edwar, in Mentok, Thursday, June 16. According to him, community gatherings were considered effective enough to bring personnel closer to the residents and at the same time gather various developments in the latest situation that occurred in the community. the community also provides a sense of security as well as strengthens communication, builds closeness so that it will greatly assist officers in maintaining security and order," he said, quoted by Antara. In addition to increasing friendship, this activity is also used to convey appeals and messages for security and social security related to the dangers of radicalism which is currently being hotly reported on, both national and regional media.

The phenomenon of the emergence of an organization that is suspected of belonging to a radical ideology is also indicated to already exist within the jurisdiction of the West Bangka Police. further enhanced so that it supports the security situation that remains good and conducive," he said. According to him, there is no gap for terrorists and radicalism to grow and develop in Indonesia, especially in Bangka Belitung, especially in West Bangka Regency because of the cooperation between residents and the authorities. security is very good. "We hope that the synergy between residents and the police will be maintained properly. If there are indications of disturbance or crime, immediately contact the nearest police so that it can be dealt with as early as possible so as not to cause unrest in the community," he said.