Get To Know In More Detail The Difference Between A Plant-based And Vegan Diet

YOGYAKARTA – Many people believe in the saying 'what we eat builds physical and mental health'. If you are one of those people who believe in this saying, of course you have arranged all the menus consumed to create prosperity and health. If you choose to consume plant-based foods or known as a plant-based diet, of course you are also familiar with the vegan diet. Both have almost the same principle of choosing a diet menu, but basically both have differences.

The term 'vegan' was coined in 1944 by Donald Watson, a British animal rights advocate and founder of The Vegan Society. He coined the term vegan for ethical reasons. The term later expanded to include a diet that does not consume food of animal origin. A vegan diet does not eat eggs, meat, fish, poultry, cheese and other dairy products. This diet only consumes plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts.

Illustration of the difference between plant based and vegan diets (Pexels/Viktoria Slowikowska)

Over time, veganism grew into a movement that wasn't just based on ethics and animal welfare. But also environmental and health issues that have been validated by many studies. Quoting Healthline, Thursday, June 16, people in this movement are finally more aware of the negative effects of animal husbandry and the negative effects on health when consuming processed meat foods which contain more saturated fat.

In contrast to the plant based diet, it was first introduced by nutrition scientists, doctor T. Colin Campbell. This plant-based diet consumes foods that are low in fat, high in fiber, and focuses on health, not ethics.

Based on a survey published in 2019, as many as two percent of millennials in America claim to be vegan dieters. In larger numbers, they don't call themselves vegan but try to live a plant-based diet.

Furthermore, in addition to the differences in the principles that underlie one's diet, the choice to choose healthy foods is quite popular these days. This also marks the public's awareness about maintaining health through regulating eating patterns and menus. People who are on a plant-based diet, don't just eat plant-based foods as a whole. Occasionally they also still eat certain animal products. There are also those who use the term whole food plant based, their diet consists mostly of whole plant foods that are minimally processed or raw.