Polri Affirms That Repression Efforts Including Handling Demonstrations Always Uphold Human Rights

JAKARTA - The National Police denied the accusation that they had ignored human rights when they took action against and secured the rioting masses during a demonstration against the Job Creation Law.

Karo Penmas, Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, said that in prosecution the Police always uphold human rights.

"The police themselves are also taught human rights," Awi told reporters, Monday, October 26.

Awi said that efforts to take action have very narrow boundaries with human rights violations. However, all Polri members were provided with human rights during their education

"We are in education at the police academy, in state police schools, we are taught," he said.

However, there may be situations and conditions that make Police personnel violate the rules. Awi emphasized that violators of this rule would be dealt with firmly.

"Don't be left behind, the police are repressive, aren't we. We are not repressive, the police are also human beings, they hold procedures, SOPs, we have perceptions equipped so that there are boundaries," he said.