Head Of Bina Marga PUPR Jambi Suspect Of Road Corruption Detained By Prosecutor

JAMBI - Tebo Kejari investigators detained three corruption suspects in the Padang Lamo Road project in Tebo Regency, Jambi, Fiscal Year 2017 to 2020, after examining the three.

The three arrested suspects are the Head of Bina Marga of the Jambi PUPR Office, Sinulingga as the Commitment Making Officer (PPK), Ismail Ibrahim, the brother-in-law of former Jambi Governor Fachrori Umar, and Suarto, Director of PT Nai Adhipati Anom (partner).

"The actions of the three suspects harmed the state in the construction of the Padang Lamo Road project in Tebo Regency for the 2017 to 2020 Fiscal Year, which was sourced from the Jambi Provincial Budget. The losses reached billions of rupiah. The three are now officially detained," said Head of Legal Information Section at the Jambi Prosecutor's Office, Lexy Fhatarany, reported by Antara, Wednesday, June 15.

From 11.00 WIB to 16.00 WIB, the three underwent health checks. After being declared healthy, the three suspects were immediately taken to the Class IIB Muara Tebo Prison as prosecutors' detention.

From the results of the investigation, the project work was found to be suspected of paving roads that were not in accordance with the contract and there was project work on the fictitious Padang Lamo Street, causing state losses of Rp. 7.3 billion.

For further investigation, the team of prosecutors will re-examine witnesses and suspects to determine the exact state losses caused in this case.

Until now, the prosecutor is still waiting for the calculation of the loss value of the project from BPKP.