Kickoff P20, Mrs. Urges G20 Countries To Save The Fate Of The World From The Global Crisis

JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR), Puan Maharani, was the keynote speaker at the Kickoff Meeting of the G20 Parliamentary Speakers' Summit (P20). She also invited the G20 member countries to work together to resolve the various crises currently facing the world.

The P20 Kickoff Meeting which was held in Surabaya, Wednesday, June 15, was the opening for a series of meetings ahead of the P20 Summit on October 6 to 7. The DPR hosted the 8th P20 Summit which was held in a series with the G20 High Level Conference (KTT) where Indonesia this year became the presidency in the multilateral forum.

“Indonesia's presidency at the G20 was overshadowed by multiple crises, which occurred at the same time. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the whole world", said Puan.

Puan warns how easy it is for local problems to develop into global crises that can have an impact on the daily lives of people in various countries. Therefore, said Puan, G20 countries must always take into account the possibility of a global crisis in making domestic policies.

“It is clear that today all the problems of our world are interconnected. Various global problems cannot be solved by one country or by one party alone", he said in his official statement.

Puan said that joint work, collaboration, and mutual assistance between countries were needed in the form of international cooperation. In addition, the involvement of various stakeholders across sectors, particularly in the security, political, economic, and social sectors, is also required.

“Each country has the capacity and capability to deal with the risk of crisis threats. Through joint work, collaboration, and mutual assistance between countries, it is hoped that each country can increase the responsiveness of each country to tackle global problems", explained Puan.

"We can only do this if we treat the G20 Forum Session with a strong commitment to save the fate of the world which is determined by the decisions we will make", she added.

Puan reminded that the world has high hopes for the G20 to contribute in solving various crises. The crisis facing the world is not only the COVID-19 pandemic, but also several other problems.

"Such as geopolitical tensions, climate change, food and energy scarcity, slowing economic growth and high inflation", said Puan.

Puan said that each country is also taking responses and mitigating fiscal policies, monetary policies and policies in the financial sector. According to Puan, this was done to deal with various possibilities of stagflation which could have an impact on the domestic economy which is not conducive to carrying out its development.

This year's P20 took the theme 'Stronger Parliament for Sustainable Recovery' which was arranged in line with the theme of the G20 Indonesia Presidency, namely 'Recover Together, Recover Stronger'. As one of the G20 Group engagements to bring elements of democracy and strengthen accountability on the G20 agenda, Puan said P20 can play a role in providing parliamentary perspectives on global issues.

“To contribute in bridging differences between countries because parliament is part of the solution. Then strengthen the interaction and networking between the parliamentary Speakers of the G20 countries and partner countries", she explained.

Furthermore, Puan emphasized that domestic political support is needed to realize permanent solutions to various global problems. He said that parliament's political support would strengthen the legitimacy of the various G20 agendas.

“Parliament can be a liaison to convey the G20 agenda to its constituents. According to its function, the parliament provides a legal basis in the country, allocates the budget, and supervises various G20 commitments", explained Puan.

The DPR hopes that the P20 will produce a mutual agreement that can encourage concrete action in solving various existing global problems. The P20 agreement, according to Puan, will be a manifestation of the commitment of the G20 countries to build a healthy and safe world.

“We are trying to build a world, where everyone can live in peace. We are trying to build a world where there is justice and prosperity for all", she said.

Puan also reminded the world's countries to prioritize a culture of peace, tolerance, solidarity and the spirit of mutual cooperation in dealing with global problems. “We live and stand on the same earth and have the same goal, namely a world that lives in peace, prosperity in world brotherhood. Let's create one earth for all, One earth for all", said Puan.

Puan stated that the DPR will continue to actively carry out parliamentary diplomacy which is an effort to work together to overcome the global crisis. As was done in March when the DPR hosted the 144th Inter-Parliamentary Union.

"The 144th IPU Assembly has adopted the Nusa Dua Declaration which strengthens the role of parliament in adapting and mitigating the impacts of climate change", explained the Chair of the 144th IPU Session.

In the last quarter of 2022, the Indonesian House of Representatives will also accept the transfer of the Chair of the ASEAN Inter Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) from the Cambodian Parliament.

"This is the active role of the Indonesian House of Representatives in carrying out parliamentary diplomacy", said Puan.

The P20 Kickoff Meeting was attended by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto as Chair of the G20 Indonesia Sherpa Track. Also present were the Ambassadors and Representatives of the Embassies of G20 member countries and invited countries, as well as representatives of the G20 Working Group and Engagement Groups.