Valued At Rp30.65 Trillion, GoFood's Largest Food Delivery Transaction And Consumer's Top Choice: ShopeeFood Gives Competitive Prices

JAKARTA - The latest research by Southeast Strategics reveals that GoFood is the consumer's first choice online food delivery service (OFD) platform. However, ShopeeFood is considered a platform that provides the most competitive prices.

Southeast Strategics Executive Director Riyadi Suparno revealed the findings in a report entitled "Survey of Consumer Perception & Behavior of OFD in Indonesia" which was presented online, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 15.

"GoFood is an OFD platform that is the main preference of consumers, as the application most owned (78 percent) and used (72 percent), being top of mind (50 percent), with the largest transaction value (39 percent), followed by ShopeeFood and GrabFood," he said.

The research on online food delivery services was conducted using face-to-face interviews by trained interviewers, with a number of respondents reaching 1,200 people spread across six cities, which was conducted from 10 to 14 January 2022. The research has a 95 percent confidence level with a margin of error or MoE. +/- 2.8 percent.

Riyadi said, from the research, the majority of consumers (72 percent) have more than one online food delivery application on their mobile phones.

Meanwhile, GoFood is the most widely owned application by Indonesian consumers (76 percent), followed by ShopeeFood (72 percent) and GrabFood (64 percent).

Based on its use, GoFood also ranks at the top of consumer usage at least once in three months and every week, followed by ShopeeFood and GrabFood.

The platform from the GoTo ecosystem is also the first online food delivery service that consumers remember.

"From the total transaction value of online food-delivery services in 2021 amounting to IDR 78.4 trillion, the estimated total value of transactions spent by consumers on GoFood is recorded as the largest, reaching IDR 30.65 trillion (39 percent), ShopeeFood at IDR 26.49 trillion ( 34 percent) and GrabFood at IDR 20.93 trillion (27 percent)," said Riyadi.

On the same occasion, Southeast Strategics Economic Research Lead Stella Kusumawardhani explained that if GoFood was chosen by the community for convenience, diverse menus, hygiene and security in transactions, then ShopeeFood would be the choice of consumers because it provides the most competitive price options.

"Respondents consider ShopeeFood to offer food choices at the most competitive prices after discounts and promotions, the score reached 5.16 from a scale of 1-6, followed by GoFood with a score of 4.90 and GrabFood with a score of 4.88," he said.

Meanwhile, Southeast Strategics Research Fellow Handyanto Widjojo highlighted the survey findings, which showed that consumers were not always sensitive to price.

"This is interesting for the sustainability of a business. It can be seen, it could be that the low price is only temporary because of a massive campaign. So it is important to know the most appropriate value from what consumers think. But also need to be considered, stakeholder factors also need to be a concern to be sustainable," concluded Handy.