KPPPA Calls Bully Case With Death In MTS Kotamobagu Must Side With Victims

KOTAMOBAGU - The Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) Bintang Puspayoga hopes that the handling of cases of bullying or bullying of MTs students leading to death in North Sulawesi can provide justice for the victims.

"The handling of this case can be done to provide a sense of justice to the victim as well as the child as the reported party, so that the rights of children in conflict with the law (ABH) can be fulfilled during the legal process," said Minister Bintang through a press release in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, June 15. .

His party deeply regrets the occurrence of a case of mistreatment of a 13-year-old Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) student that caused the victim to die.

Nine children were reported in the case of abuse that occurred in Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi.

"We are saddened that a child died as a result of a case of abuse in the school environment by the victim's friends. This case is very sad, the victim received violence in an environment that should be safe and far from violence," said the Minister of PPPA.

He reminded that the education unit is an environment that should be friendly to children, protect children, be inclusive and comfortable for children's physical, cognitive and psychosocial development.

Education unit managers must ensure that schools are free from acts of violence and discrimination in any form.

"The parties involved in the management of the education unit are responsible for ensuring that the rights of children in the school environment are fulfilled. Do not wait for cases of violence, then the manager of the education unit realizes the need to carry out supervision," said the PPPA Minister.

The abuse case occurred when the victim was going to the mosque to pray. When he entered the prayer room, the victim was caught and thrown to the floor by his friends.

The victim's hands were held, the face was covered with a prayer mat and the victim's body was kicked.

After the incident, the victim was taken to a hospital in Manado, but could not be saved. The victim died on June 12, 2022.