Zulkifli Becomes Trade Minister, PKS: New Minister Must Be Able To Lower Cooking Oil Prices, Don't Follow The Promise

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the PKS Fraction at the DPR, Mulyanto, highlighted the cabinet reshuffle carried out by President Joko Widodo. President Jokowi in a cabinet reshuffle, inaugurated the General Chairman of PAN Zulkifli Hasan as the Minister of Trade replacing M Lutfi.

Mulyanto hopes that the newly inaugurated minister can lower the price of cooking oil (migor), which is still expensive in the market. He also reminded the new trade minister about the huge responsibility that must be carried out professionally.

"This government still owes a promise to the public to reduce the price of migrant goods according to the highest retail price (HET). In fact, two weeks ago, the president emphatically promised to reduce the price of migrant workers. In fact, until today, the price of migrant workers is still above the HET," said Mulyanto to reporters, Wednesday, June 15.

The member of Commission VII of the DPR emphasized that the new trade minister, alias Zulkifli Hasan, should be able to help the president fulfill his promise to lower the price of migrants in the future.

"Don't even follow in making promises, but in the end you want to abolish bulk migraines," said Mulyanto.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Trade, Zulkifli Hasan, said he was optimistic that he could solve the country's cooking oil problem.

"The issue of cooking oil has not been resolved, it's a pity for the people if it is not resolved quickly," said Zulkifli after being sworn in by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the State Palace, Wednesday, June 15.

The general chairman of PAN also ensured that he could quickly pursue the targets given by President Jokowi.

"We're trying," he said.