Threatening Demo To Reject 75 Days Of Campaign, DPR Commission II 'Loves Understanding' Labor Party: Duration Is In The Election Stage

JAKARTA - Member of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Guspardi Gaus, invited the Labor Party which threatened to hold a demonstration to reject the 75-day duration of the 2024 election campaign. According to him, the Labor Party has the right to protest by holding demonstrations.

"(But) what is clear is that we obey the principle, obey the law, and if there are certain parties or parties who refuse and so on, that is their right, that is guaranteed by the law. only," said Guspardi to reporters, Wednesday, June 15. In principle, Guspardi continued, all political parties, whether in parliament or not, are treated equally by law. The PAN politician emphasized that there was no discrimination in determining the length of the campaign period or other schedules.

"So it's not the realm of the principle of justice and so on. The principle of justice is when the KPU discriminates in serving certain parties and does not serve other parties," said Guspardi. Furthermore, the West Sumatra electoral district legislator explained that there were several considerations underlying the determination of the campaign duration for 75 days. First, the duration of the campaign period which is too long is feared to have a negative impact.

"We're still in a state that the COVID-19 pandemic hasn't finished yet, don't let a campaign that's too long creates ripples, creates dynamics in the direction of something negative," explained Guspardi.

"So the determination of the duration of the 75-day campaign period applies equally to all parties, whether they are in Senayan or not," he added.

Because the campaign is a process of socialization to the public, added Guspardi, the principle has been carried out by political parties since the formation of the party. So according to him, political parties could have carried out socialization from now on, because the rules that limit these activities have not yet been enacted.

"So, the duration of the campaign as stipulated in the PKPU for 75 days is the duration of the campaign period in the election stage," he said.

"If before entering the campaign period in the election stage, any party is welcome from now on to socialize, want to campaign, what do you want, because it is not an election stage and the KPU cannot interfere," concluded the member of the DPR RI Baleg. Workers visited the General Elections Office (KPU) to convey demands related to the 2024 Election. One of the points was the 75-day 2024 election campaign. both parliamentary parties, non-parliamentary parties, and new parties," said Labor Party President Said Iqbal at the RI KPU building, Central Jakarta, Thursday, June 9. The Labor Party sees the agreement between the KPU and the DPR and the government stating that the 75-day campaign period is a violation of the law.

"If it is not revoked, we can ensure that mass actions, tens of thousands of workers, farmers, fishermen, and Labor Party constituents will be in front of the KPU continuously until the campaign period is revoked," added Said Iqbal.