Admitting The Ministry Of Trade Failed To Overcome The Cooking Oil Problem, Commission VI Agrees That M Lutfi Should Be Sacked?

JAKARTA - Member of Commission VI DPR Achmad Baidowi responded to the issue of a cabinet reshuffle, the issue of which will be carried out by President Joko Widodo on Wednesday, June 15, 2022. He talked about issues at the Ministry of Commerce. At first Baidowi agreed with the survey results which stated that the majority of the public agreed with the cabinet reshuffle, especially in the economic field. According to him, the economic sector is indeed the easiest to measure so that improvements are needed. "For example, what is the level of economic growth, what kind of unemployment, what kind of poverty and what kind of recovery. And it must be known that COVID-19 has hit the economy. Including cooking oil," said Baidowi at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, 14 June. The secretary of the PPP faction in the DPR admitted that since President Jokowi ordered Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Panjaitan (LBP) the price of cooking oil in the market has gradually fallen. In fact, he said, the House of Representatives' Commission VI to several summons the Ministry of Trade to address the issue. "Cooking oil has now started to gradually decline. And we at Commission VI have called the Ministry of Trade several times to address this issue. We'll see, we'll review and pay attention in the next week or so the price of migration is stagnant or has decreased gradually and has been carried out. And the President appointed Mr. LBP to deal with all of this. And it turns out that cooking oil prices have started to gradually improve," explained the man who is familiarly called Awiek.

So, should President Jokowi reshuffle the Minister of Trade, M Lutfi? Regarding this matter, Awiek admitted that there was indeed a correlation between the failure of the trade ministry to address the cooking oil problem by replacing the minister. However, Awiek believes that the cabinet reshuffle is President Jokowi's prerogative. "If it is related, there is also, but if it turns out that there is no possibility, what can you do, the president's prerogative," said the PPP legislator for the East Java electoral district. "However, we make sure that only President Jokowi knows the parameters in measuring the performance of his cabinet, especially in the economic sector," he concluded. Previously, the Charta Politica survey institute released the results of a national survey related to public satisfaction with ministerial performance and cabinet reshuffles. In the results of the survey entitled "Reading the Political Situation and Electoral Constellation after the Projo National Work Meeting", only 53.5 percent of respondents said they were satisfied with the performance of the ministers of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet. Meanwhile, 63.1 percent of respondents agreed that President Joko Widodo would reshuffle. Executive Director of Charta Politika Yunarto Wijaya explained that only 53.5 percent of the public expressed satisfaction with the minister's performance and 38.8 percent expressed dissatisfaction. According to Yunarto, this finding is interesting because the level of public satisfaction with the performance of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf government is quite good with the acquisition of 68.4 percent. Meanwhile, 30 percent said they were not satisfied. "If we look at the gap, there is a fairly large gap. When we look at 68.4 percent of people are satisfied with the performance of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf government but only 53.5 percent are satisfied with the minister's performance. It means that something is wrong when the gap becomes There is a big difference between the level of satisfaction with the government and with the minister. Even though the minister is operationally carrying out government duties," Yunarto said in an online survey release, Monday, June 13. Then, Charta Politika also noted that the majority of the public agreed if President Joko Widodo reshuffled his ministers with a figure of 63.1 percent. Meanwhile, only 24.3 percent did not agree. It is known that in the next few days it is rumored that President Jokowi will reshuffle his cabinet, on June 15 to be exact. Even vaguely, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno said that there might be a reshuffle and if the time was right, it would be announced to the public. "Although the reshuffle issue has strengthened again, it has not happened, but indeed public support for the reshuffle is quite large at 63.1 percent, far from those who disagree with only 24.3 percent. The level of public satisfaction with the Jokowi-Maruf government with a reshuffle note is based on performance needs," he explained.