Long Holiday Of Prophet Muhammad SAW, Jasa Marga: Avoid The Peak Path!
JAKARTA - PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk predicts an increase in the volume of vehicle traffic leaving Jakarta during the long holiday period on leave with the Prophet Muhammad SAW 1412 H.
Jasa Marga's Corporate Communication & Community Development Group Head Dwimawan Heru explained that the prediction for the peak traffic volume for homecoming is on Wednesday, October 28, 2020 and the prediction for the peak of backflow will occur on Sunday, November 1, 2020.
To anticipate this, Heru urged road users who are going to travel, to avoid traveling at peak traffic volume for the safety and comfort of road users. Jasa Marga also appealed to avoid the route to Puncak where traffic is predicted to increase significantly.
"Especially for services at rest areas, Jasa Marga optimizes services in various available facilities by implementing physical distancing through visitor restrictions and a maximum parking capacity of 50 percent, as a prevention of the spread of COVID-19," Heru said in a written statement received by VOI, Monday 26 October.
Jasa Marga also alerts operational officers and security posts and collaborates with the Police to engineer traffic opening / closing rest areas when a queue of vehicles occurs.
"We ask for the commitment of road users to be able to discipline health protocols wherever they are. Bring supplies from home and make sure the fuel is fully charged before traveling. If you have to stop by the rest area to rest, we urge you to keep using masks, wash your hands and keep your distance, choose "Take away food instead of eating on the spot, bring personal worship equipment and don't need to linger in the rest area," Heru explained.
Heru added, make sure the vehicles and drivers are in prime condition, especially with the high rainfall conditions recently. In addition, make sure the electronic money balance is sufficient and obey the signs and directions from the officer.
Meanwhile Operations and Maintenance Management Group Head of Jasa Marga, Pratomo Bimawan Putra, added that the traffic volume out of Jakarta during the four days of the Prophet's birthday (27-30 October 2020) is predicted to increase by around 21.77 percent compared to the traffic of the new normal period.
"The distribution of the majority of traffic leaving Jakarta to the East towards the Trans Java Toll Road and Cipularang and Padaleunyi Toll Roads is 48.17 percent. Meanwhile, 28.32 percent goes to the West towards Banten / Merak and 23.51 percent towards the South which is the traffic. local to Bogor / Puncak / Ciawi, "explained Bima.
Bima also explained that the prediction figure is the cumulative number of traffic leaving Jakarta at several Barrier / main Toll Gates (GT), namely Cikupa GT (West direction), Ciawi GT (South direction) and Cikampek Utama GT and Kalihurip Utama GT (East direction). ).
To anticipate this increase in traffic, in addition to rest areas, Jasa Marga is also making a number of efforts to improve operational services while still implementing health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19, such as in traffic services, transactions, and construction.
"In transaction services, Jasa Marga increases service capacity at GT Utama by preparing Mobile Reader officers while maintaining health protocols and preparing a temporary GT at Km 149 Gedebage Padalarang-Cileunyi Toll Road to anticipate congestion out of Cileunyi. In addition, we also ensure that the transaction substation operates. full, toll road equipment functioning 100 percent and 24-hour generator standby, "he added.
Traffic Service ImprovementIn construction services, Jasa Marga has temporarily suspended construction work during the Maulid Nabi holiday period, prepared 24-hour standby officers for routine maintenance work for Minimum Service Standards (SPM) as well as cleaning channels to anticipate standing water.
"We have also made lane widening at Km 48, which is the meeting point of the Jakarta-Cikampek lower toll road with Jakarta-Cikampek Elevated. The lane widening is carried out on both sides, both in the direction of Jakarta and the direction of Cikampek. Hopefully this widening can reduce the density of the meeting points. the two toll road vehicles, "added Bima.
To improve traffic services, Jasa Marga prepares infrastructure and assignments of officers for traffic engineering at congestion-prone points, coordinates with the Police and Transportation Agency to carry out traffic engineering and cargo vehicle blocking, and ensures the functioning of CCTV, Variable Message Sign ( VMS), VMS Mobile, Remote Traffic Microwave Sensor (RTMS) and Radio communications to monitor traffic conditions and accelerate information.
"As the Circular (SE) of the Director General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Number UM.006 / 4/4 / DRJD / 2020 dated October 22, 2020 concerning the Operational Limitation of Freight Transportation during the Long Mawlid Nabi holidays, we will support surveillance and officers at vehicle blocking points. According to the SE, vehicles leaving Jakarta will take effect from October 27 2020 at 12.00 WIB to October 28 2020 at 14.00 WIB, the vehicle will be issued at the West Cikarang GT and can re-enter the Palimanan GT, "said Bima.