Make A Working Visit To The Sorik Marapi PLTP, Commission VII Help Find A Way Out

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission VII Maman Abdurrahman DPR RI led a working visit to PLTP Sorik Merapi and Wellpad T in Mandailing Natal, North Sumatra.

During the visit, Commission VII tried to find a solution to the problems between PT Sorik Marapi Geothermal Project (SMGP) and local residents.

The problem is, PT SMGP, which is the developer of the Sorik Marapi PLTP project, reported that there had been a blowout followed by the release of H2S gas during the drilling of the T-12 geothermal well on April 24, 2022.

"Seeing such conditions, Commission VII of the DPR RI deems it necessary to make the Sorik Marapi Mandailing Natal PLTP," said Maman in a written statement, Tuesday, June 13.

Commission VII is of the opinion that the gas wildfire in question is one of the potential hazards that can occur in drilling activities, so procedures and equipment for its prevention must also be well prepared.

As a result of this incident, it was reported that 19 community members and 2 drilling crews were exposed to H2S gas that came out of wild bursts.