What Are The Impacts Of Helicopter Parenting? Recognize The Strengths And Disadvantages Of Supervising All Children's Activities

YOGYAKARTA – Supervising children's activities in today's fast-paced era, needs to be done. However, it turns out that if they are too protective with each of their activities, it will certainly make them not free to develop social skills and independence. In parenting, this is known as helicopter parenting.

Helicopter parenting began to be used to refer to parenting patterns for their children since 1969 in the book Between Parent & Teenager. The teenager featured in the book describes his mother watching him like a helicopter. Since then the term helicopter parenting has been used to refer to parents who continue to try to monitor their children remotely after they go to college. Later the term was used broadly to include all overprotective parents.

Helicopter parents from babies to their children entering college, tend to be seen in the lives of their children. Including regulating the interests and activities of their children. They even put off their personal goals and career aspirations in favor of what they think their children need.

Illustration about the advantages and disadvantages of helicopter parenting (iStockphoto)

Parents who practice helicopter parenting tend to organize and schedule their children to enter competitions. They even manage their children's friendships and social status. The goal is to create opportunities for children from the perspective of parents.

The advantage of the helicopter parenting pattern is that it teaches about being on time, completing homework, and getting ready for activities. Sometimes helicopter parenting is also useful because it knows very well their children's schedules and where they are. This is important because it keeps the children safe.

However, parents who practice helicopter parenting can be dangerous. Because children will feel suffocated, not open to personal opportunities, and be apathetic. Reported by Verywell Family, Tuesday, June 14, the following are the disadvantages of helicopter parenting.

Problem solving skills are not developed

Children of all ages need problem solving skills. This skill is generally taught since children are 5 years old in pronouncing words. The effect is when they are teenagers when they are looking for job opportunities. That means, children need these skills throughout their lives.

But helicopter parents can make children's skills not develop. The reason is that children become dependent on their parents who take care of and regulate all their activities so that they are not independent in their life choices and solving their own problems.

Depends on parents

Business on time, responsible for completing tasks, to complete basic skills, can not be possessed because children depend on helicopter parents. They will not learn on their own how to manage time until they complete their tasks.

Preventing children from learning to advocate for themselves

Helicopter parents, usually advocate for their own children. So that children do not dare, for example asking questions, talking if they need something, to asking questions.

Children never know the consequences of actions

Every action has consequences. This is taught by parents when children begin to learn to walk and fall. When learning, it's okay to fall but being overprotective protects them so that not knowing the consequences of learning from outside will not make them helpless. For example, when they fail, when they recognize the consequences they will know how to overcome them.

Those are the advantages and disadvantages of helicopter parenting. As parents, it is necessary to measure when it is necessary to protect and when to release children for independent learning.