Residents Of Rawa Bunga Jatinegara Ask Professional Police, Arrest Mountain Thugs Against The Perpetrators Of The Stabbing

JAKARTA - The East Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) summoned six residents from the Gunung Antang localization for questioning at the East Jakarta Police Headquarters on Monday, June 13, evening. The summons was for questioning regarding the attack on residents of Jalan Kemuning, Bendungan, RT 05/01, Rawa Bunga Village, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta on Sunday, June 12, yesterday. As a result of the attack by a group of suspected thugs, four residents of Jalan Kemuning, Bendungan, RW 01, were injured as victims of attacks using sharp weapons. Two of them were stabbed by the perpetrators. East Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKBP Ahsanul Muqaffi said his party had summoned a number of residents from both parties at the East Jakarta Metro Police regarding the stabbing incident of two residents of Jalan Kemuning, Bendungan, RW 01, Kelurahan Rawa Bunga. "So basically, I have gathered the residents at the Resort Police. I have gathered the residents of Kemuning and Gunung Antang. The legal process continues," said AKBP Ahsanul when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, June 14, afternoon.

The East Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim has also asked for clarification from the Gunung Antang localization party regarding the incident of stabbing the residents. "We have checked, the clarification is that there are six people from Mount Antang. Meanwhile, there are only two victims according to the BAP yesterday," he said. The case of the beating and stabbing of residents of Jalan Kemuning, Bendungan, RW 01, Rawa Bunga Village, is still ongoing. Members of the Satreskrim Polrestro East Jakarta are still hunting for the main perpetrators of the stabbing of two residents. "The process continues. I have examined the witnesses as well as the interrogation of the alleged perpetrator, I have interrogated them. So what we suspect is we ask whether this is really the person and it turns out not to be," he said. It was confirmed separately, the Head of RW 01 of Rawa Bunga Village, Dwi Lestari, asked the East Jakarta Metro Police to act with precision according to the recommendation of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. Residents of RW 01 Kelurahan Rawa Bunga, Jatinegara, asked the police to act predictively, responsibly, transparently and fairly in serving the community. "Residents still want the process to continue, the perpetrators to be punished," said Dwi when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, June 14. Meanwhile, mediation efforts carried out at the East Jakarta Metro Police on Monday, June 13, evening, have yet to bear fruit. "There are no results yet. We hope that our region will be safe, comfortable and peaceful," he said. Previously, it was reported that a group of heavily armed thugs attacked residential areas in the Jatinegara area, East Jakarta. At least four residents were victims of the wrong target of the beating on Jalan Kemuning, Dam, RT 05/01, Rawa Bunga Village, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta. RH and SI were ganged up by the perpetrators blindly. According to information compiled by VOI, the incident began when RH, SI, SP and RK were buying nasi uduk at the scene on Sunday, June 12, at around 02.10 WIB. Suddenly, a group of thugs came from the direction of the prostitution area of Gunung Antang, East Jakarta, who were looking for residents who were buying nasi uduk. Then the victim was approached by the perpetrators. For no apparent reason, the perpetrator suddenly took out a sharp weapon and showered the victim with a machete. After assaulting a number of victims, the perpetrators fled.