One Year The Minister Of Education And Culture Nadiem, The Teacher Federation Gives A Red Report Card

JAKARTA - The Federation of Indonesian Teachers' Unions (FSGI) gave a red report card to the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim when he was in office for a year since 23 October 2019.

FSGI Secretary General Heru Purnomo said this red report card was obtained from an average assessment of the eight programs Nadiem took in a year as Minister of Education and Culture.

In detail, the lowest score is obtained from the Mobilizing Organization Program (POP) policy with a value of 50, then BDR or PJJ with a value of 55, the Merdeka Belajar brand grant with a value of 60, BOS relaxation with a value of 60, then learning quota assistance with a value of 65.

FSGI also scored the national assessment program with a score of 75, the emergency curriculum with a score of 80, and the elimination of the National Examination or USBN with a perfect score of 100.

"Of the 8 programs that were assessed, only 3 were completed, while 5 were (incomplete with an average score of 68, so that according to the FSGI version of the Minister of Education and Culture's version of the red report card, did not graduate," Heru said in his statement, Sunday, 25. October.

Regarding one of Nadiem's breakthroughs, namely Merdeka Belajar, Heru saw that the program initially gave new hope that Indonesian education would be returned with the enthusiasm and thoughts of the Father of Indonesian Education, Ki Hajar Dewantar.

Unfortunately, not a few educators were confused when independent learning was manifested in 4 policies, namely national assessment, minimum competency assessment and character survey, shortening the RPP to 1 page, and zoning for new student admissions (PPDB) made more flexible.

"Although the four forms of the Free Learning program have not been fully understood by publicists about their meaning and ties with Merdeka Learning," said Heru.

Not to mention the Movement Organization Program (POP) which was criticized by the public, and was exacerbated by the fact that Merdeka Belajar had apparently been registered as a trademark at the Ministry of Human Rights Law by a Limited Liability Company (PT). "Until here, public trust began to decline," he said.

In addition, Heru said, the public is increasingly doubtful about Nadiem's ability when Indonesia is hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and distance learning (PJJ) has resulted in many problems that have not been fixed.

"The heavy burden of PJJ has claimed the lives of 2 grade 1 elementary school students who died after being mistreated by their parents because it was difficult to teach during PJJ and the life of a high school student in Gowa district who committed suicide due to depression with PJJ taskloads, including the difficulty of signaling," Heru explained.