This Is A Trusted Trading Application That Has Been Permitted From OJK

JAKARTA - Stock investment is increasingly popular among the public, especially since there is an online stock application that can be used for investment and stock trading. Among the many applications, try to use a trusted OJK trading application.

Choosing a stock application should not be careless to avoid cases of fraud and fraudulent investments. It has been submitted on the website a recommendation for a money-making trading application that has been officially registered and obtained an operating license from the OJK (Financial Services Authority).

And here are OJK's trusted trading applications:

1. Magical

With this application, you can invest in stocks, mutual funds, and so on. How to register is also easy because it can be done online through the application. The registration process only takes 5 minutes, there is no need to use an agent or intermediary at all.

This application has a user-friendly interface making it suitable for use by both novice and professional traders. In addition, Magic also offers various convenient features, such as Magic Alert, Competitive Ranking, New Highlights, and so on.

Magic is highly recommended because the broker fee is 50 percent easier than similar applications. You will be charged 0.10 percent and 0.08 percent for buying and selling shares (depending on the nominal transaction). This fee does not include PPh, VAT or levy fees.

2. ForexTime FXTM

Next is ForexTime FXTM, a trusted OJK trading application that you can use to buy and sell shares and make other types of investments. With this application, you can trade forex automatically.

ForexTime FXTM has been used in 180 countries, so there is no doubt about its credibility. ForexTime FXTM is designed to be used by everyone without exception. Beginner and professional investors can take advantage of this application equally well.

Of course, the ForexTime FXTM user interface will be easy for beginners to understand and not confusing at all. For example, leverage, which is presented based on the source of knowledge and experience of each user, which is certainly different.

There are many other ForexTime FXTM features that allow you to trade quickly, in milliseconds. One of the most important is that you get to know the market research team's reviews and comments about the company every session.

So you can trade based on these credible reviews and comments so you rarely miss.

3. Agrodana Futures

Want to use a local trading app? You can try Agrodana Futures.

This local trading application is perfect for you to use to learn trading. This application is designed in such a way that even beginners and professionals can use it to its full potential.

Even though it is local, Agrodana Futures is no less than a global trading application that is important to have been registered, licensed, and closely monitored by the OJK. So you will not fall into fraudulent investments and scams.

One of the advantages of using this application is the availability of technical and fundamental-based services that are easy to understand. In addition, there is a menu display that displays several things, such as the economic calendar, economic data, educational materials, live price quotes, and so on.

4. Hanson Forex Investing

The OJK trusted trading application that you can use next is Hanson Forex Investing. This application is already available for Android, iOS, to PC. You can download Hanson Forex Investing according to the OS you are using.

Hanson Forex Investing was founded in 2018 and has been used by many traders for quick and easy stock trading.

This application not only has complete trading features, but is also equipped with news information in it, suitable for traders who don't want to miss important news.

Some important features of Hanson Forex Investing that you can maximize are open positions, Stop Loss and Take Profit. Of course, this application answers the need for a trading application that is fast and easy to use, of course it has been registered with the OJK.

5. HSB Trader

This application is indeed suitable for prospective new traders who want to test their courage in the trading business. Why? HSB Trader is designed with a user interface that makes it easy for users, for example to monitor market movements from time to time.

In addition, you can also learn about trading analysis techniques, especially basic or fundamental techniques. It is suitable for beginners who are just starting their career as a trader. With the right technique, it is not impossible that you will become a successful trader in the future.

It also includes informative articles that cover tips and tricks about trading. Are you interested in using HSB Trader for your trading business?

6. Interceptor Trading

Finally, there is Interceptor Trading, a trading application that allows you to find the best stocks quickly. So you can buy it immediately, then sell it when the stock price rises significantly.

Initially, this application could only be accessed via PC, but now it can run well on Android and iPhone. Even with a more minimalist screen, you can still easily monitor stock movements on Inceptor Trading.

Interceptor Trading also has cloud support, you can use it to access analysis, trade data, to price alerts. There are already built-in trading tools in it, ranging from trading simulators, economic calendars, intelligence reports, and much more.

7. MotionTrade

Lastly, there is MotionTrade, which is under the auspices of PT MNC Kapital Indonesia Tbk. To be able to create an account and carry out trading activities on this application, you must make an initial deposit of IDR 100,000.

There will be a 0.18 percent fee when you buy shares and 0.28 percent when you sell shares. Don't worry, you can register at MotionTrade online, no need to face to face.

Use a safe money-making trading application and don't fall into fraudulent trading investments. The applications above are very popular, but beginners can still use them easily.