Sultan HB X Asks Citizens To Beware Of Falling Trees During Transition

YOGYAKARTA - The Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X asked his residents to be aware of the occurrence of fallen trees due to strong winds during the transition season or the transition from the rainy season to the dry season.

"This is the transition season, so you have to be careful because tall, old trees and so on (can fall)," said Sultan HB X at the Kepatihan complex, Yogyakarta, as reported by Antara, Monday, June 13.

According to the Governor of DIY, district/city governments have their respective authorities in preparing steps to anticipate disasters during the transition period.

"Regencies/cities and provinces have their own authority (to handle disasters)," he said.

In addition, according to the Sultan, districts/cities also have allocations of disaster funds from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) which can be used to deal with the impact of disasters.

However, he ensures that the DIY Regional Government is ready to support funding if needed.

"Disaster funds must be available. The APBD must exist, it can't be, yes, they (regencies/cities) can finance it, unless they ask for provincial assistance, yes, that's new. As long as he can still do it, he must spend it himself," said Ngarsa Dalem greeting Sultan HB X.

Previously, on Monday afternoon, a large banyan tree in the Denggung Field area, Sleman Regency, DIY fell due to being hit by strong winds and heavy rain that hit the playground around the location.

Apart from making sure there were no victims, the Sleman BPBD Rapid Response Team (TRC) together with Sleman Environmental Service (DLH) officers and a number of volunteers immediately evacuated the fallen tree.*