Receive Bodong Checks, Money Changer In Kelapa Gading Jakut Was Cheated Of 14 Thousand Singapore Dollars

JAKARTA - The police have arrested a man with the initials HW for a fraudulent check fraud case in the Kelapa Gading area, North Jakarta. According to the police officer's statement, the modus operandi of the perpetrators was to give blank checks or fakes. As a result of this incident the victim suffered a loss of 14 thousand Singapore dollars.

North Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Pol Wibowo said the perpetrator was arrested in the South Tangerang area, Sunday, June 5, at 02.00 WIB.

"We have succeeded in securing and arresting the perpetrator with the initials HW in the South Tangerang area," said Wibowo at the North Jakarta Metro Police, Monday, June 13.

Wibowo explained, the perpetrator contacted the money changer outlet to exchange foreign currency with a check. The perpetrator asked the victim to carry out transactions outside and brought money as much as 14 thousand Singapore dollars.

"After arriving, the officer (money changer) gave money to the perpetrator and it was replaced with a check by the perpetrator," he said.

But when it was about to be disbursed, the victim was surprised because the check he received was empty.

"After trying to disburse the check, it turns out that it is no longer valid or the check is blank," he said.

Aware of being cheated, the victim reported the incident to the North Jakarta Police. The police who received the report immediately launched an investigation. As a result, the perpetrators were arrested in the South Tangerang area.

"We secured the proof of the savings account book along with the ATM, then a sum of 57 million rupiah plus one US dollar bill, as well as several other evidences," he said.

For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 378 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 4 years in prison.