Aipda LS Police Who Allegedly Ordered Detainees From Medan Polrestabes Persecution Of Other Residents To Forced Masturbation Using Balm Processed Criminal

MEDAN - The alleged involvement of a member of the Medan Polrestabes with the initials Aipda LS in the case of the death of a prisoner named Hendra Syahputra who died on November 23, 2021, continues to be investigated by the Propam Sector of the North Sumatra Police.

The North Sumatra Police ensured that the legal process against Hisarma et al, which involved unscrupulous members of the National Police, was carried out according to procedure. The North Sumatra Police also confirmed that they would take firm action against the two Medan Polrestabes personnel suspected of being involved in the abuse of the detainees.

The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi, said the victim was a prisoner in a case of alleged sexual abuse of his child's friend who was underage. He was tortured to death by fellow prisoners suspected of involving Aipda LS.

He explained that Aipda LS allegedly had a role in ordering other detainees to persecute the victim. Because of his actions, Aipda LS is in danger of being fired and the process is still awaiting an ethics trial.

"The LS has been processed, he is waiting for the KEPP (Police Professional Code of Ethics) trial. The results of the Propam examination in question (also) meet the articles that PTDH (Disrespectful Dismissal) can impose," said Kombes Hadi, Monday, June 13.

Kombes Hadi also ensured that apart from being fired, criminal proceedings against Aipda LS are also ongoing.

"The criminal process is also underway at the Medan Polrestabes Criminal Investigation Unit," he said.

It is known that the prisoner's death case is currently in court. The case involved 6 other detainees.

The name Aipda LS was mentioned in the indictment trial which took place on Monday 9 June at the Medan District Court.

Judging from SIPP Medan, one of the defendants Hisarma Pancamotan admitted that he was ordered by Aipda LS to persecute the victim.

It is suspected that the persecution was carried out because Hendra did not provide togetherness money of Rp. 2 million. They abused them by hitting and telling the victim to masturbate using a balm.

Because he continued to be persecuted, Hendra finally died with severe injuries to his head.