Compactly Covers Faces Using Folders, Couples Who Break Rp60.2 Billion Bank Jatim Detained By Tanjung Perak Surabaya Prosecutor

SURABAYA - A husband and wife couple who broke into Bank Jatim amounting to Rp60.2 billion were finally detained by the Tanjung Perak Surabaya District Attorney's Office. Both have the initials DC and R.

"Both of them have become suspects and have been detained," said Tanjung Perak Surabaya Chief Justice, I Ketut Kasna Dedi, Monday, June 13.

Kasna explained that the husband-wife couple DC and RK manage the property company PT HKM. In 2014 he applied for a loan to Bank Jatim in the amount of Rp. 77 billion, for the construction of 31 warehousing units in the Surabaya City area.

At that time, continued Kasna, Bank Jatim approved the disbursed loan of only Rp. 50 billion. However, the loan has been declared a bad credit since 2016, and even now the warehousing building in question has never been established.

"The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) has also conducted an audit, and stated that there was a state loss of Rp60.2 billion," he said.

Kasna explained that an investigation by the Surabaya Tanjung Perak Kejari revealed that from the beginning the husband and wife pair DC and RK had intended to break into Bank Jatim, by including false documents, and inflating the budget to reach Rp. 77 billion, during the loan application process to Bank Jatim.

"Well, from the investigation process carried out by the Investigating Prosecutor and the research by the Research Prosecutor is declared complete or P21. So today the suspect and evidence are handed over from the Investigating Prosecutor to the Public Prosecutor," he said.

In the property business managed by a husband and wife couple DC and RK, the Kejari Tanjung Perak Surabaya found three victims who had paid a total of IDR 9 billion to buy the three warehouse units, which in fact were never built. "The case files are handled separately in general criminal cases of fraud and embezzlement," he said.