Visiting Sarinah After Renovation, Megawati: Pak Erick Thohir Wants To Show It Since 1.5 Months Ago

JAKARTA - PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri said that she visited the first shopping center or mall in Jakarta, Sarinah because she wanted to see the results of the renovations that had been carried out.

Moreover, the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir wanted to show the results of the renovation directly to himself before it was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo.

"Mr. Erick has been wanting to show me for 1.5 months that Sarinah's renovation has been completed," Megawati told reporters in Sarinah, Central Jakarta, Monday, June 13.

"So I said to Mr. Erick, yes, I'd better see before it will be inaugurated by Mr. Jokowi in July," added the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia.

During the visit, Megawati was shown various things in Sarinah which had been renovated by Erick Thohir. Including reliefs during the reign of the First President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno or Bung Karno which was hidden in this mall.

As for this relief, Megawati admitted that she did not remember who the artist was. But, he said, there were several people who worked on and told stories about a farmer in West Java named Marhaen.

"I think it's very good, very beautiful because there each floor has its own meaning. Especially regarding the reliefs that after Bung Karno was no longer president, the reliefs seemed to be hidden in quotes," he said.

"But in the end, thank God, it can be returned, which in my opinion from an artistic point of view is extraordinary because maybe young people today don't necessarily know, to sculpt like that, the length of such a relief is not an easy thing because it is three-dimensional," explained Megawati.

Meanwhile, Erick Thohir said that Megawati conveyed a number of messages during the visit. One of them is to make Sarinah a historical reminder as well as a place to encourage Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to grow.

"Alhamdulillah, (Sarinah, ed) this can be a historical reminder for the younger generation because it is very busy, but Mrs. Mega also advised how MSMEs should be involved. So that's why we encourage many MSMEs and local brands which are now rising. leaves," he concluded.