Wet Drought Threatens Tobacco Plant Growth In Central Lombok

CENTRAL LOMBOK - The Agriculture and Livestock Service Office of Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) stated that the impact of the wet drought that occurred in the middle of this year caused the tobacco plantations that had been planted to be threatened with failure or death. can harm tobacco farmers," said Head of the Central Lombok Agriculture and Livestock Service Lalu Taufikurahman in Praya, Monday, June 13. A number of areas in Central Lombok have been planted with tobacco plants, so when it rains it can damage the farmers' tobacco plants that are planted without drainage. Meanwhile, farmers who have planted with a drainage system can reduce the impact of the rain. "Some farmers have planted tobacco and some are still in the process of planting," he said, quoted by Antara. 7000 hectares, whereas last year it could reach 10 thousand hectares. This is done to anticipate the decline in tobacco prices and so that the tobacco plants of farmers can be absorbed by the company. "We limit the area of land, so that the harvest can be absorbed by the company," he said. The damaged tobacco is about 525 hectares in East Praya District and 823 hectares in Pujut District. "Tobacco plants damaged by the rain are just starting to grow," he said. farmers who have grown will be damaged or die. "Some farmers have to do embroidery on tobacco plants that die due to rain," he said.