Health Protocol Violators During PSBB Transition Claimed To Decrease

JAKARTA - The number of violations during the two weeks of transitional Large-Scale Social Barriers (PSBB) in DKI Jakarta has decreased. Especially on the violation side of using masks.

"When juxtaposed with the PSBB, which was previously strict, then the transitional PSBB, which previously saw a decrease in the violation of the health protocol discipline," said Head of Jakarta Police PP, Arifin to reporters, Sunday, October 25.

Referring to the prosecution data, for the implementation of the PSBB dated 12 to 24 October around 11,000 people were prosecuted for not implementing the health protocol.

Meanwhile, referring to the data on the implementation of the PSBB from September 28 to October 11, the number of violators reached 37,863 people. With details of 35,525 people are given social sanctions for cleaning public facilities and 2,328 people pay fines.

"That within 2 weeks there were approximately 11 thousand people who were prosecuted for violations," said Arifin

Of the thousands of people, the majority did not use masks in the correct manner. The masks they wear don't cover their noses.

So, by using masks like that, they are deemed not to apply health protocols and have the potential to contract COVID-19.

"They are not not wearing masks, but the use of masks that are not in accordance with what we expect in accordance with the provisions of the health protocol, yes, wearing a mask must cover the nose, mouth to chin," said Arifin.

For that, they are not only sanctioned in their actions. The officers also educated them about the proper use of mascara.

"So for those who are still using their masks it is not appropriate, of course we will continue to remind us to educate them, so that they use masks correctly," he said.

With the decrease in the number of violators, Arifin said that the public now thought that masks were a daily necessity. So, the number of violations regarding not wearing a mask has decreased.

"Especially with regard to the use of masks, the public has increasingly realized that these masks are a necessity," he said.