The DPR Will Hold A Joint Meeting To Discuss The Presidential Decree Of The TNI To Overcome Terrorism
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Azis Syamsuddin, said that the leadership of the DPR will hold a joint meeting with the leaders of Commission I and Commission III of the DPR to discuss the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) on the Task of the TNI in Overcoming Terrorism Actions.
"The joint meeting will be in Session Period II of Session Year 2020-2021," said Azis, written by Antara, Saturday, October 24.
The opening of Session Period II for the 2020-2021 Session Year will be held on November 9, 2020. Azis said that Commission I of the DPR has discussed the Perpres and has submitted its input to the leadership of the DPR RI.
According to him, currently the DPR leadership is still waiting for the DPR Commission III's input regarding the Perpres.
Therefore, he denied the information that the Presidential Decree on the Task of the TNI in Overcoming Terrorism Actions had been discussed in a joint meeting between the leadership of the DPR and the leaders of Commission I and Commission III of the DPR.
"We are still waiting for input from Commission III of the DPR," he said.
Previously, the Government, through the Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly, submitted the draft Presidential Decree on the Task of the TNI in Overcoming Terrorism Actions to the Indonesian Parliament on May 4, 2020.
The government's move aims to seek approval from the Indonesian Parliament regarding the Perpres.