Rows Of Terrorist Action Before And After The Suicide Bomb In Medan

JAKARTA - In the aftermath of the suicide bombing incident at the Medan Police Headquarters, a number of actions were taken against suspected terrorists. Densus 88 Anti-terror arrested five people suspected of being terrorists within 24 hours.

The first action was carried out in the Serang area, Banten. Three people were arrested there, on the same day the suicide bombing in Medan occurred. Furthermore, Central Java. Officer gets one person there.

"The Densus 88 team has secured 4 people. Three people are in Banten, and one person in Central Java," said Karo Penmas DivHumas Polri Brigadier General Dedi Prasetyo at the Mobile Brigade Command Center, Depok, Thursday, November 14.

From the results of the investigation, the three suspects arrested in Banten were members of the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) group. Meanwhile, another person is still under further investigation. Some of them are known to have flown to Syria to fight with ISIS.

Karo Penmas DivHumas Polri Brigadier General Dedi Prasetyo attending the Brimob birthday, Thursday, November 14 (Rizky Adytia Pramana / VOI)

In a separate location, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said that there were 8 suspected terrorists who were arrested after the suicide terror case at the Medan Police Headquarters, North Sumatra. This information is the latest from the Police that he received this afternoon.

"Yes, we have received a report. Let (later) be explained by the National Police. Eight have already been arrested," said Mahfud at the Kemenkopolhukam Office, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD delivers a statement to journalists at his office, Thursday, November 14 (Wardhany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

Meanwhile, a few days before the bomb incident in Medan took place, the police also took action. There were six terrorist suspects who were arrested. Five of them are in Riau, the remaining one is in Bekasi, West Java.

In Riau, the arrests took place on 9 November and found four suspects with the initials, S, WN, MMF, and S alias Umu. S, WN, and MF have an important role for this group and plan the amaliyah action in Jambi.

"The person concerned (MF) conducts training together with two people who were secured (S and WN). Then they know the plan of terrorism or will carry out acts of terrorism, then also carry out planning," said Dedi.

During the arrest, a number of evidence was confiscated. For suspected S terrorists, sharp weapons, several pieces of paralon pipes, catapults and nails. Meanwhile, from Indonesian citizens, the officers confiscated 8 gas canisters, airsoft guns, arrows, bows, and communication equipment. Meanwhile, the evidence confiscated from MF and S (Salsabila) was a motorcycle and several communication devices

Furthermore, the police arrested the suspected terrorist with the initials Y on November 11. However, it was not explained in detail about the evidence and the role of Y in the terrorist group.

On November 12, the police arrested a suspected terrorist with the initials WJ alias Patria alias Dwi in Bekasi, West Java. WJ is said to be part of the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) network and the first batch in war training in the terrorism group. He also has the ability to assemble bombs and had fought in Syria with Doctor Azahari seven years ago.

"In 2012 (WJ) joined the war in Syria with Azahari and then established relations with the FSA or the Free Syria Army," said Dedi.

Karo Penmas DivHumas Polri Brigadier General Dedi Prasetyo when releasing a suicide bomber at Mapolrestabes Meda, Wednesday, November 13 (Rizky Adytia Pramana / VOI)

Yesterday, a suicide bomb exploded at the Medan Police, Jalan HM Said Medan, North Sumatra. The culprit who wore an online motorcycle taxi jacket died with a shattered body. Meanwhile, six other people were victims, four of whom were police, one was a daily worker, and the rest were civilians. They were treated at the Bhayangkara Medan Hospital for healing.

The police also arrested a woman in connection with the suicide bombing terror case at the Medan Police Headquarters. She is Dewi Anggraini who is the wife of the perpetrator of terror, Rabbial Muslim Nasution. From the examination, Dewi was the person who influenced Rabbial to become a 'bride' alias the perpetrator of the suicide bombing.

The police are intensively examining Dewi, to find out the involvement of other suspected terrorists who were involved in the Rabbial act. Because, from Dewi and I's communication, it was known that there would be a plan of terror action in Bali in line with the action carried out by Rabbial.