The Ministry Of Health Will Revitalize Posyandu And Health Center Services

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ministry of Health is revitalizing health services at the posyandu and puskesmas levels through the application of service standardization to the application of a digital system. rather than curing the disease," said Budi Gunadi Sadikin in the Kick Off agenda for the Integration of Primary Health Services at the Sujudi Building, Ministry of Health RI, Jakarta, Friday, June 10. We already have a posyandu, but because of the development of the regional autonomy law and so on, we need to revitalize it again so that posyandu can really touch the community," he said, quoted by Antara. The cadres not only serve maternal and child health, but are expanded to reach all ages, including adolescents, adults to the elderly. In addition, the Ministry of Health also facilitates digital devices for all officers to simplify the process of administrative services to medical records. "We want everything to be digitized. We make a package of 12 health services that can be provided at the posyandu level with cadres who come to people's homes," he said.

In the agenda, the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs will launch 300,000 Prima Posyandu services at the village level to RT/RW. At the kelurahan level, around 85,000 Prima Posyandu units are made with a total of 21 health service packages. "On top of it again is the puskesmas, there are around 10,000 units that have 30 health packages," he said. affordable to the household level. Budi targets all of these programs to be running by 2024 throughout Indonesia at the latest.