KPK Finds Money Flow Records Related To Bribery Cases And Gratification Of Project Work In Mamberamo Tengah Papua

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) conducted a search in Wamena, Jayawijaya Regency, Papua. From the search, investigators found documents which included notes on the flow of money.
The search, which was conducted on Thursday, June 9, was related to the investigation into allegations of bribery and gratification of project implementation in the Central Mamberamo Regency Government, Papua.
"The KPK investigation team has completed carrying out a forced search of the Jaya Wijaya Regency, Wamena, Papua Province," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Ali Fikri in a written statement, Friday, June 10.
Ali said the location that was searched was the house of the party involved in the alleged bribery and gratification. However, he did not specify who they were and their legal status.
The KPK found evidence to strengthen this case. There are documents containing matters related to the alleged bribery and gratification.
"The investigative team then found and secured various project documents and records of the flow of a sum of money allegedly flowing to parties related to this case," he said.
After the evidence is found, the investigator will conduct an analysis and confiscation. "And next will be confirmed in more detail to the witnesses and suspects," said Ali.
As previously reported, the KPK has opened an investigation into a new case related to allegations of bribery and gratification in Central Memberamo. It has not been informed who the parties are named as suspects in this case and the chronology.
Announcements regarding the suspects will be made in conjunction with arrest and detention efforts. The KPK will explain it in a press conference.