Seven Secretary Generals Of Non-parliamentary Political Parties Meet, Discuss What?

JAKARTA - A total of seven secretaries-general (Secretary General) of non-parliamentary political parties met to discuss preparations for verification of the parties participating in the 2024 General Election, the stages starting on June 14, 2022. The seven non-parliamentary political parties, namely the Berkarya Party, PBB, Hanura, Garuda, PSI, Perindo, and PKP. "The meeting took place in the South Jakarta area on Thursday night, June 9," said Secretary General of the DPP Berkarya Party, Badaruddin Andi Picunang when confirmed, in Jakarta, Friday, June 10. National vote, Badaruddin said, agreed together to facilitate future verification. In the meeting of general chairmen of non-parliamentary political parties which was initiated by Ketum Perindo Hary Tanoesoedibyo some time ago, he said, jointly agreed to form a new axis in the 2024 General Election. if needed. We will communicate to the respective Ketum not to continue, including routine meetings ahead of the verification stage ification and future elections," he said. The Berkarya Party under the leadership of Muchdi PR, he said, encouraged and fully agreed to these joint steps. seats in the DPR and DPRD," he said.