Mayor Of Banjarmasin Confirms Requirements For New Elementary School Students To Be Immunized

BANJARMASIN - Mayor of Banjarmasin H Ibnu Sina emphasized that the entry requirements for new elementary school students have followed the measles and rubella immunization. With COVID-19, parents may be given the opportunity to refuse, but if it is related to immunization, it is the government's obligation," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 9. children undergo immunization. According to Ibnu, the immunization program for children is currently being intensified, because during the COVID-19 pandemic from March 2020 to 2022 the immunization program for children had decreased sharply. Therefore, the government held the national immunization month 2022 since May, continues into June with a target in South Kalimantan Province of 1.4 million children. Ibn conveyed, basic immunization for children This has to be made a success again, therefore it is forced to become a school entry requirement for new students. The Banjarmasin City Education Office issued a circular letter Number 420/2420/ - P.SD/ Dipending concerning Guidelines for Admission of New Students (PPDB) for State Elementary Schools for the 2022 academic year. /2023.

One of them stated that every child must have a COVID-19 vaccination letter plus a measles and rubella immunization certificate. "It is known that the child vaccination and immunization rate is still below 50 percent. Even though the Health Office has picked up the ball to school, hopefully this way it will increase significantly," he said.