Baleg DPR RI: MCH Bill Sets Maternity Leave For 6 Months

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Body of the DPR RI, Abdul Wahid, said that the Draft Law on Maternal and Child Welfare (RUU KIA) stipulates the company's obligation to provide six months of maternity leave for working mothers.

"Regulate related to maternity leave of at least six months and a rest period of 1.5 months or in accordance with a certificate from an obstetrician or midwife if a working mother experiences a miscarriage," said Wahid at the Plenary Meeting of the Legislative Body of the Indonesian House of Representatives on the Harmonization of the Bill on Maternal Welfare and Children who were followed in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, June 9.

He added that a mother also has the right to get special treatment and facilities in public facilities and infrastructure. "Adding the right of mothers to get special treatment and facilities in public facilities and infrastructure," he said.

Wahid also said that a mother has the right to receive education in care, parenting, and child development.

In addition, the MCH Bill also adds to the rights of children to get exclusive breastfeeding and to inculcate the value of faith.

"Adding the right of children to get exclusive breast milk and getting the value of faith in God Almighty in accordance with their religion and beliefs," he said.

The Legislation Body of the DPR RI approved the results of the harmonization of the Bill on Maternal and Child Welfare to be discussed further in discussions with the government.

The approval was obtained after listening to the opinions and views of the factions in the Legislative Body of the DPR RI.