Not Only Once, Teacher Of SDN Oelbeba Kupang Was Also 'beaten' By 4 People At The Library, Threatened Not To Divulge BOS Fund Management

KUPANG - The Kupang Police, NTT, has named Aleksander Nitti as a suspect in the assault case against Anselmus Nale, a teacher at SDN Oelbeba, Oebola Village, Fatuleu.

During the examination of Aleksander, who is also the principal (principal) of the local SDN, it was discovered that there were several parts, the hands and feet of the person concerned landed on Anselmus Nele's body.

Kupang Police Chief, AKBP FX Irwan Arianto said, the incident that went viral on social media took place on May 31 at around 12.30 WITA. The first abuse occurred in the school meeting room during the discussion of the exam results.

During the meeting, there was a difference of opinion between the principal and the victim, which led to the beating of the victim repeatedly. Feeling pressed, Anselm's victim tried to escape out of the room.

The second half occurred when the victim ran out of the room and was shouted at by the wife of the principal, so that a resident named Iwan was chased. The perpetrator named Iwan also participated in hitting the victim so that he was named a suspect.

"While the third incident occurred in the school library room, the victim was abused jointly by four perpetrators. We will immediately arrest the perpetrators. related to the management of school operational assistance funds (BOS)," said Police Chief FX Irwan Arianto.

Against the suspects who have been detained, they will be charged with Article 170 paragraph 1 subsidiary Article 351 paragraph 1 Junto Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 5 years in prison.

School Activities Stopped, Students and Teachers Fear

As of Thursday, there has been no activity at SDN Oelbeba, Fatuleu, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. The teachers and students were frightened after the principal was involved in the persecution.

"We are concerned because until now learning activities at the school have stopped. The teachers and students are afraid of the principal's actions," said Police Chief Irwan.

Apart from the teachers, he said, all the students of SDN Oelbeba were also afraid to go to school so that teaching and learning activities at the school came to a complete halt.

"Teachers and students are scared so no one goes to school," he said.

The police have coordinated with the Kupang Regency Education Office by arresting Aleksander Nitti and a resident named Iwan so that the situation and conditions at the school can be more conducive.

As the head of the school, said the Police Chief, Aleksander Nitti should set a good example for the teachers. If there are problems in the management of school operational assistance funds (BOS), they should discuss it well with the teachers.

"Do not carry out acts of persecution and beatings against Anselmus Nale," said the Police Chief.

The police have also coordinated with the Kupang Regency Inspectorate to be able to conduct an examination of the management of BOS funds at SDN Oelbeba. If an indication of corruption is found, the Principal Aleksander Nitti is threatened with being charged with Law No. 31/1999 on the Eradication of Corruption Crimes as amended by Law No. 20 of 2001.