7 Parenting Topics That Often Confuse New Parents

YOGYAKARTA – The topic of parenting has always been a hot topic of discussion. Because times are always evolving and changing so it needs to be accompanied by appropriate parenting. But there are topics that generally often make you confused, especially for those of you who are just becoming parents.

Whatever the baby needs, of course it needs to be fulfilled by the parents. So, so you don't get confused, pay close attention to the basic topics but need to be adjusted to the following baby's needs.

1. Breastfeeding vs formula milk

This topic is always crisp, because it brings maximum confusion to mothers. Mothers generally want the best for their children, such as maximally exclusive breastfeeding. But there are conditions that make formula feeding the only way to meet the nutritional needs of babies.

2. Public school vs home schooling

Parents who are busy and do not have time to pick up their children tend to choose home schooling. But that does not mean that parents who send their children to public schools ignore their busy lives. This means that each family has specific considerations about where to send their children to school. To be sure, formal education needs to be balanced with education from parents while at home.

Illustration of a parenting topic that makes you confused and frustrated (Unsplash/Ben White)
3. Sleeping with parents vs sleeping in the crib

Quoting All Women's Talk, Thursday, June 9, every choice of parents is for the good of their children. Especially when they can't be independent or are still in their infancy. When there are both options in parenting, parents must make their own decisions which one is most suitable for the child.

4. Vaccination vs non-vaccination

Seeing cause and effect is certainly important before deciding on something as important as child vaccination. To get the best recommendations for the health of children, it is wisest to consult a specialist or pediatrician.

5. Cloth diapers vs disposable diapers

This topic relates to the environment but also intersects with infant health. If you choose disposable diapers in order to reduce the burden of washing, of course this is not a relevant reason. So the reasons for choosing one of them need to be considered carefully.

6. Carrying or wearing a stroller

Apparently, some parents don't like putting their baby in a stroller. They chose to hold the baby to make it more intense and close. For them, wearing a stroller is considered to stretch the distance between the emotional bond between mother and child. Don't worry, if you are debating this topic, there are lots of answers that can correct your choice. But try to consider wisely when it is necessary to carry and use a stroller.

7. Let the child cry or immediately calm down

Parents certainly do not have the heart to see their children cry constantly. So that when shrill cries blared, parents immediately calmed their baby. A lot of research deals with this choice, between letting your child cry but still being accompanied to finding ways to control your emotions or calming them down immediately. Because every choice of parental action plays a role in building a child's cognitive and psychological style, you need to further research this choice.