Hit And Kick Elementary School Teacher Until He Shouted 'Oh Father, Help Me,' Principal Of SDN Oelbeba Kupang Suspect

KUPANG - Kupang Resort Police, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Police arrested Aleksander Nitti, Principal of SDN Oelbeba, Oebola Village, Fatuleu who was involved in the persecution of Anselmus Nale, a teacher at a local elementary school on May 31, 2022.

"We have named Aleksander Nitti as a suspect in the criminal case of molesting and beating Anselmus Nale, whose video has gone viral on social media," said Kupang Police Chief, AKBP FX Irwan Arianto when giving a press statement in Kupang, Antara, Thursday, June 9.

The school principal's hand-to-hand action was recorded and circulated widely on social media. In the video, the victim, who is still wearing official clothes, is beaten repeatedly by the perpetrator.

The victim's screams, 'Oh father, help me', were ignored by the perpetrators. There was also a man who tried to help the victim from the angry tantrum of the principal.

In addition to Nitti, the Kupang Police also established a suspect status for a resident named Iwan who was involved in persecuting Anselmus Nale.

The beating and persecution took place on Tuesday at around 12.30 WITA in the school meeting room during the discussion of the exam results.

During the meeting there was a difference of opinion between the principal and the victim, which led to the repeated beating of the Principal of SDN Oelbeba, Aleksander Nitti, against Anselmus Nale.

Feeling pressed, the victim Anselmus Nalle tried to run out of the room and was shouted at by the wife of the school principal, so he was chased by a resident named Iwan who also beat the victim.

According to the Police Chief, there were several rounds of abuse against the victim in addition to the viral video. The first is during a meeting in the school room and in the school library. The victim was molested jointly by four perpetrators.

"We will immediately arrest the perpetrators. Even while in the library room, the perpetrators also intimidated teachers not to provide correct information by the school principal regarding the management of school operational assistance funds," said Police Chief FX Irwan Arianto.

Against the suspects who have been detained, they will be charged with Article 170 paragraph 1 subsidiary Article 351 paragraph 1 Junto Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 5 years in prison.